Business coaching is a great way to make money. It’s possible to start from scratch, and build a 7-figure income within a couple of years.
But as the saying goes, “easy come easy go”. Your coaching business could come crumbling down as quickly as it began.… READ MORE
Everyone faces challenges at some point in their life. You may have faced more than others, but what truly matters is how you respond to those challenges. Your legacy is determined by how many times you get back up after you’ve been knocked down.… READ MORE
In 2016, Wells Fargo team members were caught allegedly charging 771 customers for products they never ordered. The business was forced to cough up a $3 billion fine.
It sounds extreme, but your team could do the same to you.… READ MORE
Self-help seems like a viable way to get rid of your neediness or insecurities. But it actually heightens these feelings — and makes you miserable.
Because most self-help gurus, courses, and books promote toxic growth.… READ MORE
Show Highlights Include:
The sneaky way the Devil smashes your energy, steals your joy, and makes you live a life you’re not excited about (and how to get back control over your days) (4:11)
How to stop snoozing through your life and start living a life worth waking up for every single day (6:09)
A simple, but powerful mindset shift to live every moment with passion (instead of living life waiting for the weekends) (6:43)
How this verse from Matthew unlocks a fearless life by the end of the week (7:34)
If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here:
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE
Where has all your struggling and suffering begun? There is only one common thread between your suffering — and it’s not your outside environment, the people involved, or even the food you ate beforehand.… READ MORE
Employers always say “we value experience.” But as soon as they see gray hair and wrinkles, they want someone with “a bit more runway.”
If you’re in your 60’s or above, the odds of landing a great job are against you.… READ MORE
Most real estate investors want more wealth and freedom. That’s why you got into investing, right? But most investors don’t know how to grow their wealth and freedom. And almost no investor knows how to grow both at the same time.… READ MORE
Have you ever heard the phrase “money is evil?” Most entrepreneurs work hard to hit their income goals and once they do, this mindset traps them in mediocrity.
They think making too much money can somehow destroy their life, relationships, and happiness.… READ MORE
Marriage ain’t easy. And it’s especially tough on entrepreneurs.
Here’s why this is a blessing:
Every day, you have another chance to improve your marriage. Some days will suck, yes. But if you push through them, your marriage becomes bulletproof.… READ MORE