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Getting clients as a financial advisor can be excruciating. You cold-call, create content, send emails, attend networking events and maybe even pay for ads. The result? A few appointments with lukewarm prospects who just want your advice so they can manage their money themselves. READ MORE

You might feel that you’re working day and night (while posting on social media endlessly) and still fail at getting any clients.
And what’s the point of working to death if there’s nothing to show for it?… READ MORE

If you’re like most people, you don’t want to spend money on things that don’t matter. Designer clothes, fancy cars and a new smartphone every year – that doesn’t make you happy. And it certainly doesn’t grow your wealth for the long term. READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why treating your fitness goals like getting a PhD instantly banishes frustration about not seeing quick results (3:36)
The absolute best strength training book for the “big three lifts” — whether you’re a beginner or have been training for years (10:18)
How silly-looking Crossfit workouts upgrade your physical and mental toughness more than any other exercise program known to mankind (16:40)
The “Stock Market System” for your fitness goals that prevents you from failing (even if you come short of your goals) (20:27)
How your fitness journey boosts your wealth, relationships, and career ambitions (23:37)

If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How soul-crushing crises help you uncover your most authentic self that make you grateful for your struggles (8:57)
What to do to rediscover joy when you can’t push past physical and professional defeats (11:03)
The “Cut the Noise Method” for facing and conquering your fears when positive thinking doesn’t cut it (12:40)
How to have compassion for people you vehemently disagree with instead of filling the world with more hate (14:44)
The insidious way the news media and your smartphone robs your ability to find peace (20:30)

If you’d like to connect more with Amy, feel free to send her a DM on her Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/amyrosecarrillo/ or her Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/amyrosecarrillo/.… READ MORE

Show highlights include: 

How eating the right foods improves all your relationships (2:45) 
The weird way traumatic childhood experiences make positivity easier than counting to 3 (3:02) 
Struggle getting out of bed every morning?READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

How a trip to the driving range is like taking a “chill pill” when work makes you stressed to the max (even if you’ve never golfed before) (4:35) 
Why picking the wrong hobby can bankrupt you and sabotage your relationships (and how to pick one that improves your business and marriage) (6:31) 
How “living within your means” makes you miserable (and how to properly invest for the future without sacrificing your fun today) (8:34) 
The “Cash Reserve System” that transforms your emergency fund into an income-producing asset (10:58) 
Why having fun is the single best way to prevent burnout (14:53) 

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

We don’t really know who we are. So we create imaginary stories in our head so we can understand ourselves better.
But these stories are at the root of all your suffering. The second you identify with a hobby, skill, religion, shortcoming, or belief, you invite unnecessary problems into your life. READ MORE

When looking at disability coverage plans, finding one that protects the career you love most and the money you’ve worked so hard for is crucial. And it’s easy to get lost in the lingo of the insurance world between policy definitions and what fits your particular situation.… READ MORE

What if I told you that you can get other people to pay for everything you’ve ever dreamed about? 
You probably wouldn’t believe me. But I’ve done this to rent yachts, private jets, and even own a 60,000 square foot mansion — without paying a cent out of my own pockets.READ MORE

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