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Show highlights include:

Why buying Tesla stock could put you on Easy Street (and how you make that right choice) (2:37)
How embracing change lets you feel like Joel Embiid dunking the game-winning basket (3:29)
Why holding a static financial position forces you to change your portfolio against your will (and how taking one step backward helps you take two steps forward financially) (5:11)
The “Crowded Gym” method that makes you more efficient at picking financial opportunities (6:10)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How to help your kids overcome the overwhelming feelings of depression and anxiety in high school (2:59) 
Why you haven’t failed as a parent if your kids struggle with various mental health problems (4:14) 
The single biggest and most obvious sign your teenager is battling depression or anxiety (6:41) 
How becoming a happier parent is the first step for helping your teenagers who suffer with their mental health (12:09) 
The “Curiosity Approach” that helps your kids open up to you about their mental health without shame (12:33) 

Connect with Kristen on her website: https://sites.google.com/lcsschools.net/lhsschoolsocialwork/home
Set Free: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Freedom, & God’s Endless Love has been officially released!READ MORE


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How running your family like a well-oiled business prevents you from bankrupting your marriage (2:59) 
4 questions that help you easily craft your life’s vision statement tonight (5:38) 
The weird way being ruthlessly selfish helps you love your wife and children more (6:30) 
How burning out in your career drowns your mind with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts (and how to overcome these nasty feelings) (14:01) 
The insidious way too much success can cause you to have a heart attack in your early 40s (15:56) 
Why exercise is perhaps the single best way to banish anxiety and depression (17:44) 
How sharing your weaknesses, shortcomings, and failures makes you stronger (especially if it feel like it makes you less of a man) (27:03) 
The “3S System” that prevents you from becoming so exhausted you give yourself a panic attack (33:02) 
How taking a “Sabbath Day” every week doubles your productivity (34:03) 

If you’d like to connect with Bryan, you can shoot him an email at bkaiser@vernovis.com.  READ MORE

When it comes to delivering the perfect swing, golf shoes are highly overlooked. In fact, they are seen as a mere fashion accessory next to your carefully chosen clubs and balls.
But when it comes to feeling more balanced and stable in your swing, the science is in the shoe… Knowing how to use the force of the ground is essential for playing your best game (and creating swing speeds you’ve never imagined).… READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you might feel like you follow a predefined path: Generate leads, close your first deals. As soon as leads flow consistently, you hire a team. Your business mushrooms and your team handles enough work for you to retreat from the day-to-day to watch the money pour in with minimal work.READ MORE

There’s a lot of stupid things entreprenuers do that subconsciously sabotages their business — like saving money on groceries, spending time in the weeds, and not dreaming up a bigger vision for your company. READ MORE

Our guest on this week’s episode is Jes Sanders from Studio S. After spending his early days as a residential framer he went on to study architecture and eventually open his own design firm a little over 5 years ago.READ MORE

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. While some people live through having one, others cringe at the sight of it. And right when you check off a box on your list, it feels like three more things are added.READ MORE

When it comes to spending the money you want and being able to livinge comfortably on a plan after you retire, your portfolio needs its own ‘secret sauce’ for sustainability.
And it might seem like you have all of the ingredients to retire, but most people spend their time focused on the wrong parts of their plan.… READ MORE

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