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In this episode, you’ll learn… 

How positivity can transform even the most nightmarish situations into pure bliss (2:47) 
The ancient saying that slifles social media quibbles before they drain your joy (4:10) 
2 crucial ingredients that turn angry disagreements into practical ideas that improve the world (5:17) 
The “Song and Dance System” that puts gratefulness on “easy mode” (even if you’re battling life-altering problems) (5:49) 
Why super small acts of kindness are the most powerful way to double the amount of positivity in the world today (6:58) 

Perfectionism haunts all of us. And it poisons our soul and destroys everything good we’ve accomplished. 
But you don’t have to let your perfectionism ruin everything you love about life. Once you understand the source of perfectionism, you can create a plan to eliminate it. READ MORE

Most people dream too small. And even though everyone has a different excuse, it can all be fixed with one thing: auditing your thoughts.
We are all filled with negative thoughts that stunt our growth if we don’t ask where they come from.… READ MORE

When money is tight, it can be tempting to pick up a disability policy with a cheaper premium. But that’s not always the best financial move for you. Often the policy that is cheaper today will cost you far more money tomorrow.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover:

The “Garage Sale Secret” that might bag you your next deal (2:22) 
Why going after low-hanging fruit in real estate drowns you in an incestious pool of competitors (4:19) 
3 triggers for finding deals hiding in plain sight the next time you stroll down your street (5:47) 
How to “pimp” out broke college students to find you more deals during the holiday break (6:39) 
The overlooked “Car Wrap trick” that can bring in up to 10 deals per year for next to nothing (7:43) 


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The importance of self-awareness and how to increase it to improve your home and work life (4:34)
How to maintain 2020’s limitations so you can stay connected and productive (9:21)
How to embrace the anxiety that comes with taking a leap of faith in your life you’re facing right now (15:00)
What the story of Abraham can teach you about obeying and trusting God when faced with seemingly impossible decisions (19:34)
How your example empowers your children when they’re afraid of the unknown (28:11)
The “Team Jersey” approach you can take today to begin healing the partisan political division in our country (33:17)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?READ MORE

New beginnings bring new possibilities. And after a year like we’ve just had, something new sounds pretty good, right?
Unfortunately, it’s easy to go overboard with resolutions. That’s why so many women burn out quickly and end the year right where they started.READ MORE

Money is a complicated topic. We all have ideas and associations with money that we picked up over the course of our lives.
But these hold us back from saving the money we need to retire on our own terms. The wrong ideas can lead to devastating financial consequences.READ MORE

Rejection hurts. It’s one of the most painful things when a lead tells us they never want to hear from us again. Or when an enthusiastic prospect works with a competitor instead. 
But rejection doesn’t have to ruin your day.READ MORE

Lots of entrepreneurs online like to flex their revenue numbers (especially when they’re trying to sell you their program!). But gross income doesn’t give you the whole story.
Behind the scenes they could be completely broke!READ MORE

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