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Show highlights include:

Why CBD is a safer way to reduce joint pain and inflammation than using ibuprofen or any other prescription drugs (4:35) 
Always tossing and turning throughout the night?READ MORE

Show highlights include: 

The ‘Rescue Me Prayer’ that makes you feel worthy and motivated after having a pity party. (1:33)
How to use the story of Moses to drop your excuses and unleash your true, powerful self.READ MORE

Billions of miracles happen around you every moment of your life. But we never notice them. 
Because we’re so busy chasing spiritual miracles that we forget every moment in life is already a miracle.READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How starting an accountability program attracts money to you (10:42)
The “Lifestyle Level” way that increases your ability to manage more money (11:22)
Why having a positive mindset about money increases your personal wealth (14:09)
How programming your mind like a computer operating system compounds your portfolio (14:48)
The “Mind, Spirit, and Body Plan” that grows your spiritual and physical bank accounts (15:26)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Dust in the desert ruins vehicles. The viscosity of lubricants slows vehicles to a halt. Similarly, neglect of duty and hopelessness destroy businesses. 
Mechanics diagnose problems and fix the vehicles.READ MORE

Google rolled out a new link spam update to their SEO algorithm on Jul 27, 2021. Will this new update affect your site’s rankings? 
If you were involved in manipulating Google’s algorithm by using spammy “hacks,” then your results might suffer.READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How looking at your life from God’s perspective keeps your life, family, and business on track (and the simple 10-minute strategy to keep God’s perspective) (4:35) 
Why something as simple as keeping your promises can result in a $73,000 first day launch (8:36) 
The “CEO at Home” trick that keeps your family together (even if you’re working 18 hour days growing a new business) (14:54) 
How living in the present and praying can erase 44 years of depression in an afternoon (17:49) 
The weird way smiling makes it impossible to be miserable (even if your business is dying and your wife wants to leave you) (20:13) 
How thinking about your future or past steals all of your joy (24:02) 
The “File on your Family” secret that helps your family feel seen and heard (even if you’ve been cheating on your family with your business for years) (27:37) 

If you’d like to pre-order Rick’s new book, In Plane Sight, you can order a copy at https://www.ricklstephens.com/READ MORE

Curiosity is one of the biggest wealth-generators you have access to. Because curiosity unlocks an endless amount of business opportunities.  But only if you harness it.
How do you harness your curiosity?… READ MORE

Managing your emotions isn’t a natural concept. It takes practice and commitment. And even when you take the high road, you might not get the response you want.
But emotional maturity is more than asserting yourself.READ MORE

Our guests on this episode are true innovators with a get it done mindset. As representatives for Kohler, an iconic name in our industry, they embody the company’s belief that better business and a better world go hand-in-hand.READ MORE

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