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What if I told you that you could buy a “tool” that can make you an extra $100,000 to a million dollars this year? 
Now, it ain’t cheap. In fact, it’s going to cost you anywhere from $3,000-$5,000 per month.READ MORE

The real estate investing industry is stuck in the past. And relying on old-school marketing strategies that used to work is a recipe for failure today. 
This includes SEO and content marketing. Realtors and agents have left real estate investors in the dust when it comes to SEO marketing.READ MORE

Chronic care could happen at any time. Being a caregiver for one or both of your parents can be difficult. Especially if kids are fighting with nurses and each other over the inheritance money.
So planning in advance is the answer.READ MORE

In part 3 of our 6 part series on the Myths of Recruiting Ed Earl and Paul Sanneman explain why setting up systems that can be run by others who specialize in those systems can save you money and help you become more efficient.READ MORE

The promise of a road trip is always exciting. You gather your favorite snacks and queue up a playlist, ready for adventure.
But what you’ve envisioned and what actually unfolds can be two entirely different stories. READ MORE

Do you procrastinate with your Christmas shopping? 
Forbes wrote an interesting article a few years ago explaining why men wait until the last minute to start their Christmas shopping. While women start Christmas shopping as early as December 26th the year before. READ MORE

Many online entrepreneurs miss out on sales because they price their services wrong.
But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Determine your value in the marketplace by drilling into your niche.
So how do you do that?… READ MORE

Many people are afraid to speak about God because it may ruin relationships. But by trusting in the Lord and spreading His word gives you the confidence to live your best life.
Navy veteran John Rubino spent his last tour of duty working in the dark depths of toxic leadership at the Pentagon.… READ MORE

You’ve probably been rejected by prospects who hired another advisor, managed their money themselves or went with a robo-advisor.
The truth is: Competitors are closing clients you could’ve signed left and right.READ MORE

Most people think they’ll become successful by following a straight line to wealth, health and happiness. 
But if you’re afraid to fail, you don’t even have to start. To build the lifestyle you want, you’ll make mistakes, you’ll suck at things and you’ll learn some stuff the hard way. READ MORE

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