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Most dating tips from the internet advise you on how to behave, look, or talk with women. But do these tips make you feel fake? You may be missing the largest factor that attracts women to men: Non-Neediness.
Instead of self-confidence, many men have an unattractive neediness that drives women away.… READ MORE

Our minds are often our own worst enemies. They trap us in feedback loops of negative emotions. 
But what if your mind became your best friend? Instead of beating you down with negative self-talk, your mind fills you with joy.READ MORE

Every job has tasks people hate and love.
How do you get rid of what you hate to do, and do more of what you love?
Multi-million dollar loan officer Ron Pippin implemented a process that eliminated what he hated to do, and let him focus on the tasks he loves.READ MORE

Rejection is a powerful and crippling drug. It makes you poor. It sabotages your health. And it even makes you die sooner.
But what if you could handle rejection better?
Good news: You can.
In this episode, I’m revealing a dirt-simple way to reprogram how your brain responds to rejection so you become wealthier, healthier, and happier than you’ve ever been.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why winning at anything takes years of practice (and how you get your championship at life) (0:47)
How watching “The Flash” drains your bank account (2:12)
The weird way journaling transforms your relationship with money and wealth-building (3:21)
Why ordering steak and lobster on date night lets you grow your portfolio (5:58)
The “Thought Audit” method that fills your mind with positivity (8:27)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Show highlights include: 

How to stop a ‘slip’ from turning into a full-fledged slide and make progress today. (2:20)
Why having faith in your failures brings you the most success. (6:47)
How to maintain a healthy schedule and seek normalcy in an unexpected world. READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How watching the Olympics shatters all the glass ceilings you have about your own body (even if you’re not an Olympic level athlete) (11:31)
Why putting Olympic athletes on a pedestal can create serious, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases (14:20)
Are you disappointed in American government and politics?… READ MORE

Combining your disability coverage with life insurance sounds like a smart financial move. You want to cover career gaps after an injury and get the coverage that always protects your loved ones.
But having a sustainable financial future starts with knowing what discounts work for you.READ MORE

Not all businesses are created equal. In some industries, you have to fight tooth and nail just to break even. But in other businesses, you can clear 8 figures without understanding the day-to-day.
Here’s why I bring it up:
My new ecommerce business hit $1,018,000 in one week.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Why “faking it until you make it” nukes your business career and your home life (4:08)
How telling your wife about your anxiety jumpstarts your healing process (especially if you think sharing makes you seem weak) (6:40)
Why imposter syndrome creates physical anxiety (and how relying on God helps you feel confident in your abilities) (11:33)
Do you feel too old to start a business?… READ MORE

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