My DM’s are flooded with people who feel stuck or behind the 8 ball in their business. The truth is, entrepreneurs should feel behind the 8-ball more often than not because we’re always pushing and expanding to the next level.… READ MORE
Have you ever said, “I’ll be so happy when…” or “I won’t be happy until…”? Or felt let down upon achieving a huge life goal?
This is common for high-achieving women. Nothing is worse than staking your happiness on a goal, only to feel empty when you get what you thought you wanted.… READ MORE
Highlights from this episode include:
Why cleaning up your room before you take a picture to post on social media costs you customers (3:39)
A brilliant offer strategy that sets you apart from everyone else when you’re competing for business (6:52)
A rock-solid way to ensure that you won’t waste your time and effort swapping services with another vendor (7:28)
The secret to confidently charging higher prices and still outselling your competition (13:23)
What your clients are afraid to tell you they want from you (18:49)
The Starbucks secret to running a business that people can’t stop throwing money at (21:13)
We’ve all been programmed from an early age to avoid using credit so we don’t get into debt. That may be great personal finance advice, but it can destroy your business.
In fact, the world’s wealthiest people and businesses love using credit.… READ MORE
Let’s be real: You’re more ambitious, more skilled and more hard-working than most people.
That’s not an attack on corporate workers, but anyone starting their own business is much more likely to get rich than people in a 9-5.… READ MORE
Character seems to be in short supply these days. And our shallow, superficial culture doesn’t help. In fact, it works in sneaky, subversive ways to prevent you from building up your character.
So how do you overcome these forces of evil to improve your character and quality of life?… READ MORE
Society dictates a plan for life: We’re expected to go to college, graduate, get a job at a corporation and spend the rest of our lives paying off the debts we took on to get there.
That lifestyle might be right for some, but not everyone wants others to run their life.… READ MORE
In this episode, you’ll learn…
How focusing on the simple things puts positivity on “easy mode” (2:59)
How to avoid being sucked into a negative vortex when you’re surrounded by negativity (5:07)
Why positivity gives you a deeper sense of purpose (6:02)
The “Airplane Secret” for meeting and inspiring people from all over the world (6:44)
Humans tell lies almost every day. And while they seem harmless on the surface, they’re far more deadly than we realize. Everytime you exaggerate or lie, it robs you of energy and happiness.
Exaggeration isn’t always bad.… READ MORE
Highlights from this episode include:
Why misunderstanding universal laws can leave you broke or dead (6:59)
A book of the Bible you can benefit from, no matter what you believe (7:42)
The counterintuitive power of words to supercharge your goals so you accomplish them faster than you thought possible (12:48)
How to properly use affirmations to achieve the life of your dreams (17:16)
What jealousy of others reveals about the words you use in your own life (19:16)