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Highlights from this episode include:

How sex makes you better at sales and vice versa (3:20)
The most effective way to provide your prospect an environment that easily facilitates a sale (5:10)
How your “Lizard Brain” makes it impossible for you to have tough conversations and how to fix it (8:36)
How being tickled as a child can ruin your ability to set healthy boundaries and how to move past it (10:40)
Why your childhood successes can make you an adult failure and how to prevent it (11:24)
The single biggest misconception that prevents all your relationships from flourishing (16:51)

Learn the secrets of effortless selling without feeling manipulative or sleazy with our free Consensual Sales Method webclass.READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why what clients tell you doesn’t give you the whole story (and what to listen for instead) (4:55)
The ethereal reason that all your conversations are productive even if they don’t result in sales (21:42)
The Storyteller’s Secret to making your services sell themselves (28:10)
A simple trick that keeps you from ever forcing a sales conversation again (30:18)
How to stop your ego from killing your sales so you can earn more than you ever have before (34:44)
The decision you make for a potential client that destroys your business (36:34)
How to build a business that makes you delighted to wake up every morning (39:10)
A single sentence that can transform an awkward conversation into a sale (40:33)

Learn the secrets of effortless selling without feeling manipulative or sleazy with our free Consensual Sales Method webclass.READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

The “Copywriting Principle” that prevents you from scaring away great potential prospects (7:54)
How to recognize the “Trigger Moments” that let you blast through sales resistance (18:02)
The “Productization Method” that transforms your offer from irritating to irresistible (20:47)
How to generate effortless sales from your community without feeling pushy or sleazy (25:50)
A foolproof method for identifying pre-qualified buyers so you avoid dealing with professional time-wasters (30:07)
How to turn Facebook Groups into sales (and cash) generating machines for your business (46:26)

Highlights from this episode include:

The Authenticity Strategy that makes all your content connect with your audience (9:39)
Why trying to sell on social media will quickly tank your business and have your ideal customers avoid you like the plague (10:51)
The 4 Value Marketing Principles your content should contain in order to resonate with your customers (14:46)
How to make your ideal clients know, like, and trust you before you speak with them for the first time (16:11)
The most effective way to use content to humanize your brand (and attract the people you want to work with) (22:04)
Why trying to make your business look big will keep it from ever being big (23:01)
The “Cheese and Whiskers” reason that professionally produced content repels customers (25:02)

Highlights from this episode include:

How to send emails that the buyers on your list can’t wait to receive (6:11)
The Closed Door secret for promotions that your ideal customer can’t resist (6:57)
How to effectively slide into the DMs of the customers most likely to buy (9:16)
The devastating mistake that will kill your Facebook Group faster than a spammer selling fake Ray Bans (11:28)
How to use your Facebook profile as a funnel for your group (13:24)
The “Overgifting” strategy that makes your clients feel like they took advantage of you (and obligates them to return the favor) (18:51)
A simple way your business can make money from people who never buy from you (20:30)

Highlights from this episode include:

The “Goodwill Method” of generating effortless sales from your Facebook Group (3:43)
Why you should never try to convince your prospects of anything and what to do instead for easy sales every time (5:26)
Why “Hand Raisers” are the key to making sales within your community and how to find them (12:27)
The surprising reason that solving your prospects problems for them kills your sales (14:26)
How a Facebook Group helps you discover exactly what your ideal clients want so you can provide the help they need (20:24)
The Diagnostic Method for avoiding toxic clients that will suck the life out of your business (26:36)

Highlights from this episode include:

The immigrants secret to making yourself so valuable you can’t be ignored (4:39)
How to post on social media without looking like a pathetic beggar (5:05)
Why the over-hyped guru sales methods are killing your business (5:51)
How to become a trusted part of a community so don’t repel people when you do sell (6:31)
How to ensure you offer relevant services to a prospect so they don’t instantly tune you out (8:42)

Highlights from this episode include:

How to shift your perspective on pricing your services to send your revenue through the roof (7:22)
Why you need to ignore the words your prospect is saying to understand them (16:02)
What a cup of coffee can teach you about thinking of money in context (10:12)
The value anchoring process that eliminates price objections for good (12:43)
Why falling asleep during mass can make you a more effective salesperson (15:24)

Highlights from this episode include:

A common profit mistake that is keeping you broke (1:09)
3 budget issues you have to get under control to grow your wealth (1:37)
How to price your services in a way that makes you profitable (5:07)
Do you know the financial statistics in your business that can make or break your profit?… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why trying to quickly fix someone else’s problems sets them up for failure down the road and costs you sales (4:45)
How your childhood experience can sabotage today’s sales conversations and how to overcome it (8:16)
The surprising reason you are attracting cheap clients who never buy from you (11:57)
Why obsessing over solutions is killing your sales (12:18)
The “Co-Creation Method” for developing offers that prospects can’t resist (12:29)

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