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While you’re minding your investing business, the world is changing around you. Advertising prices skyrocket, iBuyers devour leads and investors flood the market.
How can you survive without millions in venture capital?… READ MORE

Do you ever worry that you work too much? You love the work you do and know that it provides benefits, to your clients, your family, and to you. But when the motivation to work begins to take priority over your family, relationships, or personal life, has it gone too far?… READ MORE

Are you a custom residential builder chained to your construction company?  Shrinking profits, demanding clients, more projects, less good help, and no time?  How do you escape this prison you’ve built? … READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

How to stop chasing random opportunities just to get paid (2:32)
The Robert Greene secret to closing more sales (not doing this is costing you clients) (3:12)
The completely ethical trick that makes clients convince themselves to hire you (4:56)
The 2 crucial questions you must answer to turn your prospects into clients (9:08)
The counterintuitive X-factor that strengthens both business and marriage relationships (10:40)

Organization is no sexy topic. But it’s essential for financial advisors. Many financial advisors forget meetings, abandon prospects and infuriate clients by not replying.
If you’re not organized, you’ll lose prospects, repel your clients and never feel the freedom you became an advisor for.… READ MORE

Being a father is hard enough. It becomes much harder when you’re trying to build a business on top of it.
And it becomes even more difficult if you let your nasty emotions get in the way and cloud your judgements.… READ MORE

Investing, saving and budgeting are all great ways to make your money work for your life.
And while they reduce your money worries, they can make you worry about money when life changes.
What if you want or have to change your lifestyle?… READ MORE

Exercise is probably one of the things you recommend most to your patients after a successful treatment.
But what happens when you send them off? They might join a gym and get bad advice from amateurs, which makes their pain return.… READ MORE

You can’t be alive and free if you’re always worried and thinking about money.
In today’s episode, I’m shattering all of your money beliefs that are keeping you more broke.
Here Are The Show Highlights:

How to finally break free from money’s iron grip on your life (4:59)
How to turn the tables on greedy credit card companies to beat them at their own game (7:21)
The biggest lie you’ve been told about debt that’s keeping you from becoming richer beyond your wildest dreams (8:38)
Why you shouldn’t want to have money in the bank (9:28)
Do you like money more than yourself?… READ MORE

Hiring employees is scary. You’re personally liable if they don’t work out.
But you need to hire employees if you want to stop driving yourself crazy. And you need employees if you want to build a legacy.… READ MORE

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