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In this episode, you’ll learn… 

How small encouragements can create a mountain of positivity in people’s lives (1:15) 
Why focusing on the good things in life help you overcome life’s biggest obstacles (1:40) 
How to set a positive example in other people’s lives (even when you can’t be physically close to them) (2:09) 
The “Kiss and Make Up Method” that erases bad feelings from your mind after a disagreement with a family member (2:43) 

Show highlights include:

The single best supplement to prevent nagging and chronic injuries (3:15) 
The “GPH Method” that lets you instantly know if a protein supplement is worth its salt (4:06) 
How one simple supplement makes you literally stronger than steel (4:58) 
The super easy way to reverse the aging of your bones, joints, and skin (10:18) 

If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements. READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why you’re manifesting negative events into your life (and how to fix it today) (7:33)
Three words to say to yourself to crush doubt and help you achieve what you desire (12:26)
The “Dangerous D’s” that derail your life and stop you from accomplishing your goals (13:15)
How to prevent distractions from taking over your life (17:25)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Everybody is a mule. In fact, in order to become a magician, you have to be a mule first. 
Then why don’t more become magicians instead of being a frustrated, underpaid, and exhausted mule? Because they focus on the wrong mule activities. READ MORE

Most physicians know about term insurance. It’s cheap, and if you die, your family gets paid quite a bit of money. Whole life insurance is another matter entirely. It is more expensive, more complicated, and typically pays a smaller death benefit.… READ MORE

Conducting business online is more important than ever before. But it’s not as simple as putting your products online and watching the sales roll in.
Businesses that previously relied on in-person visits have to figure out how to translate the one-of-a-kind experiences they provide to e-commerce to maintain consistent sales.… READ MORE

As a real estate investor, you need to ask yourself this question every day: How will motivated sellers find me? 
Slapping together an ad with some random keywords doesn’t attract high-quality leads.READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover:

The “Bricks and Concrete Secret” that prevents inflation from robbing you blind (3:13) 
Why working from home has injected the real estate market with steroids (and how to capitalize on it) (6:59)
How the “Hotel Repurpose Strategy” lets you buy abandoned hotels at half price and flood your bank account with money (8:31)
How to sell a half-furnished house on the MLS in a couple of hours (and still get top buck for it) (10:10) 


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The first thing you need to let go of to be an effective leader at work and at home (2:55)
The “T Account” method for realigning your life when things spiral out of control (7:28)
A common misconception about winning at home that is preventing you from building the relationship you want with your family (and how to overcome it) (13:08)
A bedrock principle for prioritizing and focusing your activities in a way that supports your life goals (14:49)
A surprising sign that you may be following God’s will for your life (15:46)
How you can turn a medical emergency into an opportunity for personal development (20:26)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?READ MORE

Sometimes we come short of our goals. And most people use this as an excuse to quit and give up.
But when we fall short of our goals we’re actually setting ourselves up to blow past our goals sooner rather than later.… READ MORE

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