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You know that paid ads are the best way to grow your business, but what if you can’t afford to run as many ads as you want. Or what if you’re running ads, but you want to do something to crank up the results that you’re getting.… READ MORE

If you want more clients, you need more prospects. But if you’re talking to 20 prospects a day, you never get to create content, serve your clients and enjoy your freedom.
The truth is: You need fewer prospects than you might think to live your dream life.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

The #1 most important label to pay attention to when buying coffee (3:45)
How to “get away” with drinking 5 cups of coffee per day without sabotaging your body (4:08)
You’re wrecking your body and the environment every time you sip on this style of jo (5:05)
How to avoid getting duped by clever coffee marketing into buying hazardous coffee (9:46)
The easy-peasy way to reduce your carbon footprint on the environment (12:27)
3 of the best coffee brands to try — especially if you’re on a budget (13:44)

The most important thing you can do to amplify your competitive success is focus on your nutrition.… READ MORE

Have you ever felt stuck? Like your life was filled with chaos and randomness, preventing you from moving forward?
Imagine if there was a simple shift you could make to break out of that rut. In this episode, Dr.… READ MORE


When something goes wrong in your life, your first step is usually to figure out what happened and try to find a solution. And it makes sense — society has brainwashed us into thinking this is the only way to solve problems.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

The surprising effect the current crisis is having on the mortgage industry (2:35)
Are you making this financially devastating mistake with your mortgage? (15:34)
This specific type of mortgage could make your retirement better than you ever dreamed (17:33)
The answer to whether or not you should pay off your mortgage (19:03)
Not understanding this critical point about leverage can leave you in desperate need of funds (23:30)
How to know if this is the right moment for you to invest in property (25:49)
The property secret HGTV doesn’t want you to know (28:51)
The #1 factor you should use to decide whether or not to purchase a home (29:30)

In this episode, you’ll learn…

Why trading your hours for dollars is a surefire way to end up miserable and broke (3:34)
The real reason so many women are starting at-home businesses (5:25)
The simple, yet difficult trick for waking up fired up every single day (7:47)
Why failing usually feels better than success (8:20)
How to turn your favorite hobbies into a money-printing machine (8:29)
How to finally bust through the glass ceiling (9:53)

If you’re looking for a rewarding side gig or a full time career that allows you the flexibility to have a lot of fun, reach out to me at jill@jillallencoaching.com or on the Jill Allen Coaching Facebook Page.… READ MORE

Most caregivers don’t realize that there are more living options available than throwing your loved one in a nursing home.
There are several different living options — all catered to the specific needs of each individual battling dementia.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

The 3 biggest reasons you get stuck in a rut and rob yourself from better opportunities (1:48)
The single most important trait all the best leaders have in common (3:00)
How to leverage Parkinson’s Law to get the same amount of work done in less time (8:54)
This deadly “D-word” is the reason you never implement anything you learn (12:12)
How corporate America dwarfs your leadership skills (14:14)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

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