Are you thinking about buying your first home or moving up into a better home?
Most of my clients #1 expense is their housing. Buying (or upgrading) a house is a big decision that comes with a lot of peer pressure. … READ MORE
As an ambitious employee, you will stay up pulling an all-nighter getting the ad campaign perfect for your boss.
But why would you do that for someone else when you can buildyour own brand and do it for yourself?… READ MORE
Self-help books babble on about how your happiness comes from inside you when you live in the “now.” But does it really?
While living in the “now” can help you unlock a deeper sense of joy, it can also make you more miserable. … READ MORE
You can have a slick website, complicated funnel and awesome content. But if the wrong people come to your site, you’ll never get a single client from all of it.
There are different types of website visitors.… READ MORE
You may be hesitant to run paid ads. And it’s understandable. Nobody wants to waste their marketing budget on ads that don’t work — especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.… READ MORE
Go, go, go. Spend, spend, spend. Buy, buy, buy.
The consumer mindset in our society pushes us into thinking that the next purchase will make us happy. Yet so many people feel empty and depressed. Instead of focusing on what they have, they dwell on what they lack.… READ MORE
While the market continues to reach all-time highs, it won’t always be that way.
When the market goes down, it’s easy to let your lizard brain corrupt all your investments and ransack your returns.… READ MORE
When you’re watching your favorite action adventure movie and the protagonist has their back against the wall, what happens?
They have nothing to lose and go for it!
Millionaire loan officer Steve Kyles had his back against the wall when he was first married and broke.… READ MORE
Show highlights include:
How CPR saves your real estate deal so you don’t lose money or hate your property (8:40)
Why a financial advisor before you buy a property helps you pick the right property (even if it is a timeshare) (13:04)
The “Warning Sign Process” that makes sure you don’t throw away your life’s savings (17:42)
How your neighbor blasting Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock and Roll” ruins your real estate deal (even if the financial numbers make perfect sense) (20:38)
Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE
Show highlights include:
The Newt Gingrich way to keep moving towards success (even after you feel defeated). (2:47)
How to avoid self-sabotage with these 3 ‘Forward Thinking’ steps. (4:25)
How to get rid of the fear of the unknown and find new opportunities in your everyday life.… READ MORE