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The Sermon of the Mount holds a ton of wisdom, whether you’re Christian or not. It’s a beautiful piece of scripture that teaches so many fundamental truths of life.
But most people miss a message that’s hidden behind a metaphor.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How rappers became millionaires overnight by branding themselves (even if they didn’t know a single person in the record business) (1:40)
Why owning a business or real estate accelerates your wealth accumulation (2:29)
How having a house forces you to be responsible with your money (4:31)
Why being a pioneer with your craft, prowess, or expertise leads you to financial freedom (7:23)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Show highlights include:

The 2 foundational losing weight principles that all the best diets have (7:24)
The “Moderation Method” for losing weight and building muscle (without depriving yourself of your favorite foods) (8:59)
Why most people don’t need to spend more than 60 minutes in the gym to look great, lose fat, and build muscle (10:40)
The weird way exercising too hard can halt your progress and results (11:29)
The “1 gram per pound of body weight” trick for maximizing how much muscle you build (13:39)
15 delicious, high protein snacks that are an easy way to get enough protein and optimize your muscle growth (14:39)
Should you lift weights or do cardio first in your workouts?… READ MORE

Business is like a game. And the wealthiest entrepreneurs have fun every single day. 
And you know what?
These wealthy entrepreneurs get invited to play more games because they treat everyone fair.READ MORE

Are you an achiever, working hard for success?
You may believe that your worth comes from the value you provide. As a kid, listen to mom to earn more hugs. As an adult, work harder to get paid more.
But in a long-term romantic relationship, you don’t want to compete with other men in a battle for “most value.” That isn’t love.… READ MORE

Reading books on how to flip properties could make you millions of dollars.
John Casmon read all the “how to” real estate books. He left his corporate job and became a real estate investor. But, he relied on his partner and lost tens of thousands of dollars.READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Why resiliency is the single best way to crush it in business and at home (4:49) 
How finding a hobby for you and your wife is a cheat code to a long and fulfilling marriage (6:51) 
The weird way having more stress cracks in yoru life helps you build a stronger marriage (6:51) 
How having difficult conversations with your wife early in your marriage prevents you from getting a divorce (8:54) 
The “Separate Environment” secret for making your marriage better even when you’re apart (13:07) 
How to lead your children to God (even if you never lead Bible studies with them) (16:41) 
Why comparing yourself to others helps you form your identity )and how to stop sos you can finally be the true you) (21:31) 

If you’re a Cincinnati business owner or leader and you want to grow over the next 12 months, I want to help you.READ MORE

When considering your insurance options, you may have come across the Mental Nervous benefit.
This confusing benefit has a very specific purpose: to cover your psychiatric care.
But what is psychiatric care, exactly?READ MORE

There is nothing more powerful than giving gestures to other people.
It doesn’t matter if you know them or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s simple and inexpensive or a $100,000 car.
Not only does giving gestures make you feel amazing, but it makes other people light up with the fattest smile you ever saw.… READ MORE

In the past decade I’ve worked with real estate investors, I see one common mistake happen over and over again.
The worst part?
Not only does this mistake cost you time and money in the short-term, but it also makes your long-term success impossible.… READ MORE

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