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Without headaches or hassles

Business is like a game. And the wealthiest entrepreneurs have fun every single day. 

And you know what?

These wealthy entrepreneurs get invited to play more games because they treat everyone fair. There’s no better wealth-building secret than that. 

When you have fun every single day despite the challenges and headaches that come with business, you make losing impossible. 

In this episode, I reveal the importance of playing in business and how it can catapult your wealth to the next level. Listen now. 

Show highlights include:

  • Why acting like a child transforms you into a high-level entrepreneur (1:09) 
  • The “30% Rule” of human psychology that puts the game of business on “easy mode” (3:18) 
  • The counterintuitive way sacrificing profits up front makes you stinkin’, filthy rich over time (5:25) 
  • Why working with your friends is the single best and most reliable wealth-creating machine known to mankind (9:30) 
  • The “Make It Fair” strategy that creates 6 extra income streams for you this year (15:37) 
  • How small, yet surprising gifts make it impossible for you clients to fire you (18:46) 

You’re only as strong as your circle. Want to surround yourself with other patriot entrepreneurs like yourself? Then join my Inner Circle at https://www.mikesinnercircle.com/.

Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the “Inner Circle Podcast”, the place where patriot entrepreneurs create, build, and play. Each episode will help you move forward to the place where we all want to be, a place of total creative freedom, personal freedom, and financial freedom.

My name is Mike Fallat and I am your host. I’ve started a bunch of businesses, helped to write a couple of hundred books, and interviewed lots of millionaires. I will be your guide as we enter the Inner Circle.

Mike: This episode will help you start playing lots of games. Yes, play. Did you hear that word “play”? My tagline for the Inner Circle is “create, build and play.” There are a couple of reasons for that and I’m going to get into that message today. But how do you win a lot of games? By being invited to play lots of games. Are you guys ready? Are you ready to start playing? Let's get into this. [01:09.5]

When you hear the word “play”, you probably think of a kid sitting there with a toy truck or playing with the G.I. Joes or something in regards to a kid-like mentality, maybe a video game, right? You don't even realize this, but you are playing in the day-to-day game of business. You might not even think of it that way, but those who are winning, and people who know how to play well with others are going to get invited to play lots of games.

Just last night, I wired $25,000 to a person who's a part of the Inner Circle, so he could make me more money. That sounds good, right? And you might be thinking, You only did it to make more money. No, I didn't, and there are a couple of reasons for that because I understand the game now of business. I understand the game of allies. I understand the game of progression. [02:10.0]

I’m not looking to just play one game. I want to play lots and lots and lots and lots of games, and in order to play lots of games, you need to be of value. You need to show that you can actually stick to your word. You need to do certain things that will help them out, even if they didn't help you out yet.

Now, this particular individual named Jonathan Turner has helped me out in the past, so there is a reciprocation that's happening there, but it's not necessary. People who play lots of games understand that sometimes you need to be the one who makes it fun, makes it exciting, makes it easy, makes it worthwhile to play with you.

I want to start this podcast off with the ultimatum game. Now, Jordan Peterson talks about this, but there are a lot of studies in regards to this thing called the “ultimatum game.” [03:01.0]

There are people out there who are so selfish that they only care about themselves, that they only think about the short run. They never think about the long run. When that happens, you start cutting yourself off from being invited to play lots of games. The ultimatum game, there was a study done, I think it's still done to this day where an individual goes to a random stranger and will tell this random stranger, I’m going to give you $100. However, the rules of this game are that you need to find someone else and offer them some type of division. You need to give them something, and their first response is what's going to make you either keep the money or you don't keep the money. [03:56.4]

This random stranger is approached by a person that says, I’m going to give you $100. You need to find someone that's sitting next to you and offer them a piece of this $100 and they need to accept it. You need to tell them how much you have and you're willing to give them X amount of dollars. And if they reject it, guess what? You don't get to keep anything.

That sounds like a super simple game and you probably are thinking, damn, it would make logical sense just to go up and say, You want a dollar? You want a dollar? I’ll keep 99. I’ll keep 99. I’ll keep 99. That sounds logical, right? Oh, you know what? If I give this person a dollar, it's a dollar more than this person had, and you know what? He's going to be happy with that.

What the studies show is that if you walk up to someone who is sitting next to you and say, I have $100. I would like to give you a division of this, and if it's less than 30 percent, people reject it. People reject anything less than 30 percent. [05:05.8]

Human beings are looking for a fair share. They really break this up into what's fair and what's unfair. The human brain doesn't really think to themselves, I'm just getting a dollar. Why are you getting more than me? They're thinking to themselves, I just want it to be fair. I just want it to be fair.

If you get $100 given to you, the person who wins and keeps the most money and plays the most amount of games, is the individual that says, Listen, I am just going to give you 50-50. I’m going to make it so it's fair. I’m going to keep 50 and you keep 50. I’m winning and you're winning. Yeah, maybe I made the connection with the person who gave me the $100 in the beginning, but that doesn't matter because I want to play lots of games. [05:52.1]

The right person, the smart person is going to say, You know what? I can create an ally. I could create a partner in this. Whenever I make this deal with this person, I’m going to not only enrich that person's life, but maybe I create an ally for life. I’m going to help this person out. Maybe I don't keep a lot, as much as I want to in the beginning. Of course, I wanted to keep the 99, right? But the wealthy person, the smart person is going to say, I’m going to divide this up in a way that I can be invited to lots of games, and maybe this person that I give the $50 to will invite me to play lots of games down the road.

Imagine if you do this for the course of your life. You are going to be invited into lots of different worlds that nothing about and you're able to keep maybe not a lot on each transaction, but over the totality of your life, you're going to be invited to play lots of games. Many you will not win, but the bonus of just being involved in these games is going to give you a sum of money that will far exceed anything that you're thinking about in the short run. [06:58.2]

So, the ultimatum game proves and this has been done for years. I think it's going back to the ’60s when they first started doing this and there's actually a guy, let me pull up his name. There are a lot of different individuals who are part of this experiment, one of which shows and I think his name is John Harsanyi. Harsanyi, in 1960, was the first one that brought this up. There are a couple of other people who did some great studies on this. I recommend you look up the ultimatum game. Anyway, if you're invited into lots of games, you're going to win.

Now, in this podcast, I want to tell you right now, I’m a serial entrepreneur. I work with a lot of serial entrepreneurs. These people play lots of games. They don't just play one. They play lots of games. When you get to the nitty gritty of who they are as a person, there are a couple common core pieces of who they are. [07:51.6]

They're not looking for the big win on each transaction. They're looking to be involved because they're looking for allies, and if you are one of those people who see the long run, not the short run, you're going to win this game. The multimillionaires I work with, very, very, very few of them will win big in one transaction. They usually win big over many transactions, a consistent flow.

I’m going to take a step back here. Playing. Yes, I want to really highlight this before I get into some of the things you need to do, but playing. If you're having fun, if you're enjoying what you're doing, it's a welcoming experience. People who play are in this flow state, and there are a couple of studies about your flow state that you need to look up, too, but I’ll give you a couple little pieces here.

A flow state is “that sense of fluidity between your body and mind, where you are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction. Time feels like it has slowed down.” Have you ever been in a flow state where you are just in the zone, nothing matters? [09:06.8]

I guess the best way to put it is that you are in a flow state with your life if time doesn't matter and it goes away, and you don't even think about pain, you don't think about time, you don't think about anything that's happening except that one moment, and there's an excitement there. That does something to your soul, where it ignites you to operate at your best, your very, very, very best.

These are the people who I know. I used to play hockey. Whenever I was having fun, I played my best. It wasn't work. Whenever I am in the work mode and I’m in the zone and, just speaking from the heart, I’m having fun with clients, you'll notice that in everything that I do with the Inner Circle, I’m very vocal about all of this stuff that I believe when it comes to politics because I want to have friends that I work with. That doesn't happen whenever you go into it with, oh, I need to work and then find friends. I want to find friends who I could work with. [10:04.4]

The flow state that I’m in of having fun and enjoying what I’m doing allows me to just be me. Now, this is doing something I would assume with the market that says this person is just having fun. There is nothing that this person is doing that seems like it's such a pain in the ass, because people who struggle, when they trudge through things and they don't enjoy it, they typically don't do good work. So, maybe this state of mind that I’m in, and I’m able to just put my beliefs out there, keeps me in this play mode and people want to play with those who are in play mode. We'll get there in a second.

But it says, “Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened. You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an effortless momentum. Some people describe this feeling as being ‘in the zone’”, like I just said. “This is the flow state and it’s accessible to everyone, whether you’re engaged in a physical activity, a creative pursuit [or even a simple day-to-day task]. [11:02.0]

Oh, God, create, build, play. Create, build, play. That's the Inner Circle tagline. I have to be in create mode. That's part of my flow state. If you are aware of what gets you or mind your body, your soul in flow state, you need to remind yourself of that daily, because people are noticing this and that's going to get you invited to lots of games.

“The flow mental state is generally less common during periods of relaxation and makes itself present during challenging and engaging activities.” That's a huge sentence there. Your flow state, your ability to be in constant play mode is not when it's at its easiest. It's when it's actually challenging. I am not in a flow state when I’m sitting there doing nothing on the beach. I know it's a decompression mode and it makes me feel good, but I am not in my flow state. I'm in my flow state when I’m working, getting things done, staying productive. [12:00.8]

That's what it says here, that most people will not find their flow state when they're in relaxed mode. That’s pretty crazy that you would think that if you are sitting in a hammock and eating a cheeseburger and drinking your coffee, that's whenever you have your best ideas or whatever, it's not. It's whenever things get a little bit challenging. That's whenever you kind of hit the zone. I guess a lot of athletes spring this up.

According to [Csikszentmihalyi]—and I don't even want to disrespect this individual for saying his name wrong, but let me just spell his name. C-S-I-K-S-Z-E-N-T-M-I-H-A-L-Y-I. I don't even know how to say that name, but it says—“‘The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… the best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.’” Did you hear that? When you're stretched to your limits, that's when you hit the zone. [13:01.6]

It's almost like that runner’s high. People get invited to play lots of games. They are a joy to be around. These are the people who do great things. They know what gets them in that zone and people are drawn to it. People want to work with those individuals.

A couple of other things here. Be in play mode, okay? Figure out what drives your soul wild so you stay in play mode, because if you are that person right now who doesn't feel like playing and you don't want to play well with others, I guarantee you're not going to be invited to investment ideas, part of businesses, sales meetings, marketing meetings, any type of group that people want to get together and do big things. They want to be around players. [13:53.7]

Not like in the dating sense, by the way. You might be thinking that a dude is a player or that girl is a player. They play lots of games in a different way, and I don't know if that's good or bad. I’m not here to judge anybody. I know that sometimes I’m in a more playful mode dating-wise, and maybe I’m not because I’m really more about business. But you know those who play lots of games usually get a lot of invites, if that makes sense. You know what I mean.

Anyway, a couple of things here, how to play lots of games. The whole reason DreamStarters Publishing started the work was because I started to realize that it wasn't about me making the big money in one transaction. I started to get around the idea that I needed to be fair. I needed to be really fair and maybe it was that I knew that I needed to join groups and I needed to give referral fees way more than I’d even think it was even worth it. I needed to give back. I needed to send referrals. I needed to do certain things that didn't feel right, because I didn't have any money, so I was always like, if I can't pay my electricity, whatever money I make, I’ve got to keep, right? [15:10.0]

That's the wrong mentality. Even when you're making a little bit of money, especially in the beginning, it's not about the money you make in the first year. It's about the games that you're invited to play for the extended amount of time afterwards. If you are invited to lots of games five years from now because of what you did in Year 1, you're going to win this game over and over and over, and maybe it's not just this game whenever it comes to books or whatever you do with podcasts, but it could be different strategies and that's how my business started to work.

Before 2020, I only had one revenue stream, monthly revenue stream. Now we have seven and it's all because I figured out how to play lots of games and make it fair. Stop thinking about the short run. Think about the long run. Make it fair for everybody. Make it so it's equal for other people and they win. You’ve got to make it so they win. Otherwise, there's no incentive. [16:04.8]

To play lots of games here, guys, my business worked because of these things. I not only was fair, but I started thinking about how could I be invited to play lots of games? I really need to be a person of speed. I need to be a man of speed. My company has got to be a company of speed. I need to give people answers. I need to give people results. I need to give people certain books. I need to give them certain things fast. I need to set up meetings to get it done. I need to do. Speed matters.

People will talk about you. People will promote you. People will invite you to do more work, if you deliver and it's in a speedy manner. Speed will show others that you care, that you don't dilly-dally. I don't think I’ve ever heard that on a podcast, the word “dilly-dally”, but you don't shit around, all right? Speed matters. You say you're going to do something, you do it right away. [17:05.0]

Of course, life gets in the way and it makes it hard, whether it's sending out an email or doing some type of something that you might have said. You’ve got to limit those as much as possible, and then obviously you have priority lists. You've got to make sure that everything gets done in a timely manner, but regardless speed matters. How do you get invited to lots of games? How do you get people to care about you and want to be around you? You worry about things like speed.

Reciprocation. I don't know why I have trouble saying that, reciprocation. Reciprocation. In one of my earlier podcasts, I talk about, forget about reciprocation, you do you. When someone does something for you and it's a referral or some type of a gift, I think it's only human nature, the want has to be to give back. I’m not saying that you have to all the time, but damn oh damn, if you reciprocate someone else's amazing gestures or them to think about you, you are going to be thought about in a higher regard. [18:10.3]

Remember the goal is to be invited and promoted, and the goal is to incentivize others to want to be around you, to want to include you in their businesses, their opportunities, their strategies. If they do anything and they send you a client, you reciprocate with something else, a gift. Maybe it's money. Maybe it's that you send them business. Maybe you talk about them. Maybe you promote them on social media. Reciprocation will get you invited to lots of games. It's that easy.

Sometimes you need to surprise people. When we first started to do our book business and it started to grow, man, I added a lot of sex appeal to this business and I gifted a lot of our women clients with Steve Madden pumps, red hot pumps. Damn, were they good-looking? Especially some of our clients, a couple of models out there who became our clients, you wouldn't believe some of the pictures they sent, so that was good. But we surprised them with shoes. [19:13.5]

When you surprise people, you catch them off guard and they remember that. Surprising people in something with a good thing means that you care. You're not doing something like everyone else. A surprise is good. How do you get invited to lots of games? You surprise them in a very positive way, and that grew our business dramatically.

There are some people I know to this day that I was never able to surprise or even do the reciprocation, but I did good work for these individuals and I did good work for them and I did good work for the people that they referred to us. I know that there are multi-millionaires and billionaires that we've worked with that I don't think I’ll ever be able to reciprocate it in a way that they know they’ve helped me out. I don't think so, and there are sometimes when I still don't even know what to do. I just know that the intent is there. I need to do something. There are some people I can't even help financially and I can't even send people their way. I can maybe do some promotion on business, but it's nothing compared to what they were able to do for me. [20:19.1]

There's only so much you could surprise or even reciprocate, but the intent is there, the more you do, and maybe the only way to reciprocate is to really hold your word and do great work for them and hold them as a high priority. Maybe that in itself is going to be good enough.

A great man out there, Anthony Lawley, we helped them become an Amazon bestseller and I really didn't charge him at all. I just told them what to do and how to do it, and it was me figuring out how to really become valuable to individuals who had a lot of value. I always say that to people, be valuable to valuable people. Ever since then, he sent us so much business, I don't know how to ever thank him for that—and if you're listening, Anthony Lawley, you changed my life. [21:03.2]

He still sends us business and I’m always thinking of ways to surprise him and reciprocate. I still don't even know. It's really difficult. But that dude, we did it for free and it really didn't cost much for me. This was a little bit of information, how to do things, a certain strategy, and I guess it really helped him out. He sends us a lot of business. It got us out of all that, the ruts in the early days of DreamStarters Publishing, so maybe the power of me realizing you’ve just got to really give before you receive. You don't worry about the $500 that you could make from turning someone into a bestseller or doing your service. You think about the long approach, and he has invited me to play lots of games because of it.

If you like what you hear and you are a patriot entrepreneur, go to Mike’sInnerCircle.com. Remember, you are only as strong as your circle. We'll see you there.

Stick to your word. I brought this up. How do you play lots of games? You become a person who sticks to their word. You fucking lie one time, guaranteed, you're not going to be invited to play any of those games ever again. [22:15.3]

I see people who say they're going to pay invoices and then they never do. You really think that I’ll ever want to work with them ever again? Do you really think so? I don't. I mean, maybe, but every time you do that, there's a chance of me not ever wanting to invite you into certain things. If I tell someone I’m going to do something and I do it, I would expect them to invite me to more games.

When you stick to your word, because remember, you want to make it easy for people. You don't want to be the pain in the ass that's always constantly the thorn, especially if you're a low-dollar person in the beginning. Remember, there's a difference between low-dollar and low-value people. I could think that people that have no money are still super high, valuable people. [23:08.6]

But let's just say that the person you're working with is a billionaire and you’re asking them thousands of questions about an investment that's maybe $25,000. $25,000 to a billionaire is nothing. It's absolutely like a blink. They don't even care. It's nothing. They understand the value of it.

But let's just say you're hounding them about stupid questions regarding this investment or whatever it is for $25,000. They're going to look at you as someone who's too much of a pain in the ass and you're not going to be invited to play lots of games with them afterwards. Depending on where you are on the scale, remember, you've got to make it fun, you’ve got to make it easy for them to want to work with you.

You’ve got to keep it fair. You’ve got to understand speed and certain valuable pieces. Reciprocation. You’ve got to surprise them. You stick to your word. You make it fun. You make it exciting. You be of value, okay? Whatever you could do. Once again, this could be that you are of value financially or put them in certain groups. [24:08.5]

Inner Circle was born off of two different things. How could I help people who are way, way, way, way, way, way further than me, and how can I help people who are maybe not even where I am at this level? How can I do a couple of other things? How can I connect people who are just getting started to people who've made it? How could I be of value to people who have just started out in business?

Now, I’ve been in business since 2008, 2009. We're talking about 11, 12 years. Okay, how could I take my network where some of them are unbelievably successful and connect them with people who are just getting started? Maybe it'll do two things. It'll help out the people just getting started to be on the right track, have certain vehicles, but also the people who are looking for investors or to get their message out, to help other people, how could I connect them so maybe there's an alliance formed, whether it's now or later? You’d be of value to both sides. How could I be of service, be of value? [25:12.7]

That's how the Inner Circle was born, and that is crucial. Remember, Inner Circle, it's $17.76 per month to join, a bunch of patriot entrepreneurs getting together. Some of them have really made it. They don't need me, but I could be of value whether it's putting people in seats to listen to them, and also they have opportunities for people, depending on some of them are multimillionaires. Some of them may want a billionaire. They're always looking to find people to work with and do great things with. They're always wanting to be around hungry entrepreneurs that have the same mindset, same love for the country. [25:53.2]

I could do that with the Inner Circle, so I’m definitely a value to the people who have completely made it in this world. They don't need me, but I still want to be of value to them. I want to be of value to people who are just starting out. Maybe they're even further than me when it comes to business experience and network, but it always helps to be in the right circles with the right people thinking the same things, Hey, I want to do this and work with these many people, because when you do that, it creates this energy, this buzz, this magnetism and this strength, almost like the movie 300 where you're working together with one common goal. Everybody we want to work with, we want to win. We want them to win their battles, and when you're around the right people with the right mentality, you get the right answers, so that's that.

Then you’ve got to have …? How do you get invited to lots of games? You’ve got to have social proof. You’ve got to have social evidence. You need to write a lot of books. You need to do a lot of podcasts. You need to do a lot of interviews. You need a lot of press releases. You need to create, create, create, build, build, build, play, play, play. You need to keep doing this, consistency, a breadcrumb, if you will, left behind everywhere you go. [27:06.5]

You need social proof because people want to work and play with others who have done a lot of things who are going to say, Is this person going to be here a year from now or not? I know people that, when we first started out, they came out of the gate swinging. Six months later, they're gone. They are not in it for the long haul.

People who want to work and play with you are going to say, Is this person going to be here six months from now? Of course, they are. I have seen them. They're die-hards. They're committed. You want them to know without thinking. You don't even want them to question it. Of course, they're going to be here. Of course, they're going to be playing this game. Of course, they love what they're doing because I could see in their eyes. They love it. They love what they're doing.

Going back to that flow state we talked about, these people are loving what they're doing. Of course, they're never going to give this up, so the social proof, social evidence is there. Are they posting online constantly? Those who post once a week, once a month, I have no idea if they're going to be there six months from now. It may seem like it's a labor to them. It's not love. [28:13.5]

How do you get invited? You’ve got to be competent. People talk about being a jack of all trades and master of none. I think you need to know a lot about everything. I really do. That's the only way. But in order to make money at something, you really do have to master, right? If a lot about the marketing world, but you're a master of funnels, that's one thing. That's how you make your money, funnels, but you understand marketing, and maybe you understand press releases. You understand all kinds of other things. You still need to know all about that, but maybe you are a master. Your competency is going to basically be your sword. If you're competent in a certain field, you could be of value wherever you go. [28:54.0]

How do you get invited to lots of games? Think about whenever you're playing hockey or playing basketball or football or whatever, maybe even video games. Do you ever think about those elite players? They're always going around playing people, right? They're always going around and go into higher divisions. Do you think they're going to invite you if you're not competent?

I ride dirt bikes. I ride some dual sports. I’m not the best rider when it comes to woods riding. I’m decent and I’m good enough to ride with people around here to a certain degree. But if I were to go with the Travis Pastranas and the big names, I don't think they would invite me. I don't think they would care because I couldn't hang with them. That's their profession. That's their love. That's exactly what they do for their life. I’m not good enough to hang, so do you think they would invite me? I don't think so.

Your competency is going to get you invited to certain circles, and that is crucial for you to understand that if you get really good at something, you're going to be invited to the higher level games, which is going to get you better and better and better, probably around more high value people doing bigger things, so competency is going to make you get invited and especially to the right circles. [30:09.4]

Especially if you're strictly confident with something or competent, you are going to be able to meet individuals because of how competent you are. They're going to invite you because, Oh, this is the best funnel builder. Oh, this is the best marketer. Oh, this is the best sales guru. Oh, this is the best book writer, the best podcast person. I recommend people because I know that, number one, they're fair, they keep it fun, they keep it exciting, but they're extremely competent, and I will make connections between two multimillionaires because I know they're extremely competent in two different sectors. One is in real estate and one is in podcasts.

We're working with the Podcast Factory right now. Jonathan Rivera. He's extremely competent when it comes to podcasts and this isn't a ploy. This isn't a plug. He didn't ask me to do this, but you could tell on the quality of this podcast, how well it's done sounding wise, and so I recommend people go and talk to him about having their podcasts syndicated. Now, why is that important? I want you to play with it with Jonathan because I know that Jonathan is competent in that field. [31:18.8]

How do you get invited to play lots of games? Number one, you’ve got to show that you are a good person and you are a person who's willing to play lots of games for a long time, and then you you're connected to people who other people trust because they have proven to themselves and proven to the marketplace and proven to that individual that they have what it takes. It's not even just about being invited, but being referred because you are someone who is of competence. That matters. You could be in completely different parts of the business world, but if you are competent, I guarantee you're going to get invited. [31:53.8]

You see these people with the bad attitudes? You see these freaking liberals? They're miserable. Do you really think that they're going to get invited to certain games with their freaking bad-ass poor, shit-mind attitude, if they're always blaming the world, always kind of pulling up bad experiences, playing the victim mindset? Do you think that these people are going to be invited? Absolutely not. They have no idea and I really don't think they have a clue that these people are screwing themselves over with their bad attitudes, their victim mindset, their misunderstanding of what it takes to actually make it.

These people will never be a part of those circles because those circles who really make it don't want bad attitudes, negative mindsets, the “poor me” mentality. That shit, you're not coming to my game. I’m not inviting you to play here. Screw that. That doesn't get you anywhere, so attitude matters. [33:02.6]

How do you play? How do you get invited to play lots of games? Your attitude. You really have to show what you believe. You’ve got to stay positive because people want to be around the positivity. I’m telling you right now, the great divide is here. You're seeing people being divided more and more and more than ever before.

I’m telling you right now, the people who are extremely wealthy and even people who are somewhat wealthy who have the right mindset are completely dividing themselves from the average person financially, and it's scary to see because the more that this communistic approach comes into the United States and this socialist and “down with capitalism” mentality they're teaching at school, the real capitalists are going to win so big. It's actually even way better for them because it's becoming easier to win, because they're finding their circles.

They're playing lots of games. They're being told what other people are not being told, so it's making it harder on the people who are learning from the school system what to do and it’s make it easier on the people who are being homeschooled and have the capitalistic approach, and they have the right mentality, the right circles, the right vehicles, and they're staying away from all the other people who have the bad attitudes. They're not even thinking about doing anything except maybe getting a job. They're not looking at anything other than that one revenue. [34:21.0]

The great divide is here, and how do you get invited to play lots of games? You go against what the mainstream media is saying. You've had to start thinking for yourself. Be a critical thinker and really care about your legacy and how in control you really are of your mind, your body, your soul, your energy, all that. You need to express that to other people, because to play lots of games, they're going to notice that and they're going to say, You know what? I like this person. I don't know what we're going to do, but I like their mentality. I like their drive. I like their viewpoints. I love how they problem-solve. I love their critical thinking. Let's do some stuff together. Let's go play this game together for a long time. Not a month, not a year, not five years, but a lifetime. Let's do great things. [35:09.8]

A great man named Joe Evangelisti, who put out his second book said to me one time, “If you see me doing business with someone, in my mind, I’m already thinking that I’m going to be working with them for at least 10, 15 years,” and I’ve noticed that. If that person is doing business with someone like that, they're already thinking long-term. You’ve got to be aware that all these people around you with poor mindsets, that's going to affect you. That’s why you’ve got to break away. You do not invite them to play lots of games anymore because they're a detriment to you winning.

So, how do you play lots of games, guys? Strengthen your circle, but you’ve got to work on yourself and how you do things. Make it fair. Understand viable commodities that are … not commodities, valuable assets in life that are not commodities because not everybody has them, but understand things like speed, reciprocation. Surprise people. Stick to your word. Be of value. Keep it fun. Keep it exciting. Show your social proof, social evidence. Show how competent you are. Consistency. [36:16.7]

All of this is going to get you invited to that next meeting, that next business, that next membership, that next investment strategy. A lot of people call me afterwards to say, Hey, what do you think of this person? since I have a pretty big network now. There are some people I say, I don’t know, I just don't know. I don't know how fair they are. I don't know if they stick to their word. I don't know how consistent. I don't know the results. I don't know if they're fun to work with. I can't sign off on them and that right there sucks to even do, but I have to do it because I don't sign off on everybody. But you realize that if that was there, it's an easy connection. It's an easy yes. That person would be invited into that group to work with them and their life would never be the same. [37:08.5]

When you're doing this thing, life, that we call life, if you're doing this thing we call life, think about are you having fun with what you're doing? Are you in that flow state? Are you in that play mode? Are you thinking about the short run or are you thinking about the long run? Think about being fair.

Last piece I’ll add about this is that there are some people who I know that send me business and they're not expecting anything. In my mind, I know that I want to give them at least $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 sort of referrals, depending on the level of activity they send us. I’m at a point where I can't move on in my day until I send the money or send something, because I know it's right. Maybe that's the moral compass that you come to whenever you play this game long enough, but you have to know what's right and what's not right. [38:00.3]

Those who play lots of games have this moral compass of saying, I know I need to do this. You automatically are thinking right now that you need to win every single game all the time. You don't. Your goal should be to be invited to play lots of games, and the rule of numbers, maybe it's the Pareto principle. Most games you'll lose, but the more games you're invited to, there's a statistically proven chance of you winning more and that's so crucial

Get invited to lots of games. Do whatever is necessary because the Pareto principle is in your favor, the 80-20 rule. You just need to win 20 percent of the time, which will change everything about your life. Think about ways that make you valuable to other people. It's insane for them not to invite you. Have you ever played pool with someone or ever done something and you lose and you feel like shit? What if he made it so fun for that person that they'd go out and play another game and they want to invite you because of it? [39:10.8]

Have you ever seen the movie, what's it called? The Color of Money. He makes it fun for people to beat him. I’m not saying you hustle and not individuals, but human nature. Losing is not losing. Being invited to lots of games gives you a chance to win in the long run. You may lose early on, but what if you lose in a way that gets you invited to play lots of games? What if you spend money for the [unclear 39:40.3] and you do not make a single connection for years, but then three years later, after spending all that money, they see that you've been around for a long time and then you make one connection that changes your life.

People look at that $400 a month as a loss. It's not. You're playing the game. If you're around long enough and they see you're committed, and they see a good person putting out a good message, they're going to want to invite you to their next game and that is where you could win. [40:16.2]

Join the Inner Circle and start playing with other patriot entrepreneurs. Create, build, and play. When you're doing what you love and you're in your flow state and you're playing, you can win this game.

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