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If the money is in the list, how do you build your business with a small social media following or email list? How can you prove how good you are if no one takes a chance on your service due to lack of social proof?… READ MORE

Most marketing strategies suck even when they get you clients. Nobody enjoys harassing strangers with aggressive cold-calling scripts. Getting blocked on LinkedIn a hundred times per week after pitching in the first message?… READ MORE

Today, we can have a blog, You Tube Channel, and Social Media profiles in the push of a button. That’s why the internet is plagued with so many Influencers and Thought Leaders.
Being a Thought Leader is easy, but getting Results is hard.… READ MORE

If you’re not growing, you’re dying. This is true for everything from your health to your mind to your professional skills.
You may be an expert in your field today, but if you don’t continue to grow and adapt, you’ll get left behind.… READ MORE

Are you an employee, manager, or CEO in your business? Everyone likes to think they’re a CEO, but a look at your business tells a different story.
The reason you’re not getting the results you want is that you’re approaching your business like a manager (or worse yet… an employee).… READ MORE

Religion is supposed to lift you up. But too often, we fall into the trap of letting authority figures indoctrinate us — whether it comes from religion, a 12-step program, or something else.
Falling into this trap makes finding true happiness impossible.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

The surprising truth about the president’s impact on the economy (1:30)
Why you have more power over the market than any politician (2:00)
The “Bucket” method for protecting your portfolio during election-induced market volatility (17:59)
How to capitalize on great opportunities no matter what party is in office (8:56)
What Apple’s stock 458% growth proves about partisan politics’ effect on the market (12:28)
The “Cherry Pick & Rotate” strategy for growing your money no matter what party is in power (15:18)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE

There is no one-size-fits-all family care situation. Every case has unique challenges and opportunities.
But despite the wide variety of circumstances, I’ve noticed 10 tips that will help you provide the best care possible for your loved one.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

How Hebrews 11-1 helps you get through the most desperate times of your life (5:21)
The sneaky way a fear of rejection ruins all of your best relationships (7:08)
How hitting rock bottom can propel you to reach your full potential (7:22)
Why you can hit rock bottom at what seems like the best time of your life (7:37)
The almost crazy way prayer is strong enough to reattach broken tendons (11:12)
How to download all of God’s wisdom to help you start a business, save your marriage, or overcome any tough obstacle on your path (24:20)

If you’d like to learn more about Kimberly or schedule an online healing appointment with Roar House Ministry and Healing Room, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, or send an email directly to Kimberly at roarhouseministries@gmail.com.… READ MORE

Nobody in real estate follows up enough. But becoming obnoxiously consistent with following up is the fastest way to get a response from your prospects.
Yes, some people will tell you to go away. That’s a good thing — they were never going to do business with you anyway.… READ MORE

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