Words like conservative and aggressive are tossed around in the investment world all the time. Same with passive and active. While these ideas seem to make sense when someone is shouting them at you from your television, reality is different.… READ MORE
Most entrepreneurs claim that they’ve always had an “entrepreneurial spirit” even as kids. While this sounds great for them, it could make you feel like you’re destined for a corporate life of misery if you didn’t run a lemonade stand empire by the time you were 8.… READ MORE
You may think there’s an ‘Ultimate Truth’ floating around that will attract dream clients instantly and bring the sustainable growth your business deserves. But thinking like a CEO doesn’t revolve around time-stealing distractions like finding that perfect life coach or seeking out the “one ring to rule them all.”
In this episode, you’ll discover the seven small yet powerful mindset shifts to eliminate the 24/7 hustle and get your flood of money and leads running on a consistent basis. … READ MORE
Most financial advisors are great at setting goals like “Build a six figure business”, “only work with awesome clients” or “get 15 new clients this year”. But most advisors fall way short of their goals.… READ MORE
Helping others is a virtue that seems to be disappearing in modern society. Our fast-paced lifestyle often leads us to put ourselves before everyone else so that we can get it all done.
But a rising tide lifts all boats, and helping others makes our entire world better off. … READ MORE
When most people think of orgasms, they think of sex. But what if I told you that you could have orgasmic experiences outside of your bedroom?
We all have felt orgasms that weren’t because of sex — but our language prevented us from thinking of it like that. … READ MORE
Show highlights include:
How your relationship with food can be unhealthy even if you don’t overeat, binge, and you’re not a sugar addict (and how to fix it) (2:54)
2 reasons why comparing yourself to others is a recipe for falling short on all your goals (especially if you’re better than the people you’re comparing yourself to) (5:39)
Michael Jordan’s secret for turning competitors into challenges that made him the greatest athlete of all time (7:43)
The case for being grateful and feeling on top of the world after losing competitions (12:35)
Why Ricky Bobby’s famous line will sabotage your sanity, wreck your fitness journey, and make you miserable (13:05)
If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. … READ MORE
In this episode, you’ll discover…
How to step back from controlling every variable of your life (without drowning yourself in anxiety) (1:29)
Why motherhood conditions every mom into becoming a control freak (and how to prevent it from tainting your family) (3:26)
The “Onion Method” for prayer that finally frees you from crippling anxiety (8:03)
How going to church every Sunday can crumble your relationship with Jesus (10:08)
Does your husband always annoy you?… READ MORE
In this episode, you’ll learn…
Why leading by example helps you impact more people (even if you’re not the best leader) (3:26)
How embracing a Stoic attitude is like a cheat code for positivity (5:22)
The “Seat At The Table Approach” to social media that helps you transform negativity into positivity (7:18)
How to positively impact a stranger that makes them think about you forever (8:29)