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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How a spiritual coach can grow your business more than you would think  (4:39) 
Why treating your faith like a business is the fastest way to win at home and in business (5:30) 
Why the Bible is the single greatest business book known to mankind (even if you’re not religious) (6:47) 
How little-by-little success and small daily wins are better than overnight riches (14:39) 
Stuck in a business rut?READ MORE

For many of us, it’s easy to fall in love with the ‘hot mess’ mom. The mom who leaves her house in pajamas, has misbehaving kids, and no plans for dinner. We love that. We connect with that!
But has this comfortable and relatable role trapped moms in a race to the bottom?READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How to keep your Facebook Group from becoming a desert of inactive members and abandoned content (without being total cookie-cutter). (0:40)
Which “flop members” to delete from your online community – and how to attract the people who value your time and buy from you.READ MORE

There are many things to consider when looking at a DROP plan. You want the right strategy for peace of mind and a comfortable retirement. But if you don’t have a sustainable strategy, then your financial security goes right down the drain.READ MORE

There are always excuses for not getting involved in your community. Time, money, effort. Builders also don’t want to be seen as greedy, just in it to make a buck.
But your community needs you. You can share your skills and talents in a way that benefits everyone.READ MORE

Does it feel like you are running a business or just working for one? Most entrepreneurs hustle day and night just to keep their businesses afloat. Even worse, they’re trapped with limited income (like your business is just another job). READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs try to avoid pain. But this will only create a mountain of suffering that could sabotage everything you’ve worked so hard to build. 
Almost everything you do as an entrepreneur is painful.READ MORE

When you hear of LinkedIn marketing, email marketing, blogging and so many other marketing strategies, they all have one thing in common: You have to write. 
If you’re not a good writer (or just hate doing it), you might give up on those strategies.READ MORE

Increasing your prices can feel like an uphill battle between making more money and keeping customers. But getting people excited to pay you shouldn’t be a complicated process or negotiation.
In this episode, you’ll discover how to confidently sell at any price without losing a single client along the way. READ MORE

There’s a famous saying that you should “never underestimate the power of your words.” But how many people actually understand the magnitude of that power? I’ll give you a hint – most people think their words are completely harmless. READ MORE

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