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Video is the king of the marketing world. And technology has made it easier to create great video content than ever before.
If you haven’t gotten started using video yet, your business is losing out on tons of potential clients.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

How to send emails that the buyers on your list can’t wait to receive (6:11)
The Closed Door secret for promotions that your ideal customer can’t resist (6:57)
How to effectively slide into the DMs of the customers most likely to buy (9:16)
The devastating mistake that will kill your Facebook Group faster than a spammer selling fake Ray Bans (11:28)
How to use your Facebook profile as a funnel for your group (13:24)
The “Overgifting” strategy that makes your clients feel like they took advantage of you (and obligates them to return the favor) (18:51)
A simple way your business can make money from people who never buy from you (20:30)

If you want to reach your ideal clients online, you probably won’t find them dancing the Macarena on TikTok. Professionals are on LinkedIn, making connections that could benefit them.
But, like any social network, LinkedIn wants to make money—which means it’s cutting down your reach and making it more expensive to reach your ideal prospects.… READ MORE

Dave Ramsey is America’s go-to finance guru. Millions listen to him to escape debt, build wealth and create an independent lifestyle.
But while some of his ideas are great, other parts of his advice can decrease your wealth and make you more dependent on others.… READ MORE

What if I told you that all the success you desire is within your reach if you do one simple thing? There is one decision you can make today to immediately improve your life.
That decision is to embrace a growth mindset.… READ MORE

There’s always a reason not to do something. Many people believe perfectionism is a virtue, but in reality, it’s a form of procrastination.
Winners show up consistently, day after day. Even on off-days they get stuff done.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn… 

Why trying to please your parents is a dangerous road that puts your anxiety on steroids (1:21)
The rarely talked about “Striving Addiction” that steals all your joy and sanity (3:19)
Why your greatest, most impressive accomplishments won’t mean squat on your deathbed (and what to focus on instead so you’re at peace) (3:55)
The subtle mindset shift that puts being still on “easy mode” — especially when you’re overwhelmed with work (6:00)
Why perfectionism is like a poison that will slowly destroy your career, your relationships, and your happiness (7:31)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

Planning for your loved one’s care is a challenge. When you add financial planning to the mix, it can get overwhelming. If you try to do it alone, you could create a financial catastrophe.
So what kind of help do you need and who should you get it from?… READ MORE

We take sound for granted. When we hear something, we don’t give ourselves enough credit — but we’re the one creating the sound! Otherwise, it would only be vibrations.
And you can extend this to every aspect of your senses.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why your retirement account makes college funding more difficult (4:49)
The worst possible decision you can make about your child’s education and how to avoid it (6:31)
How overbearing parents ruin their child’s opportunity to get the right college education (11:04)
Why 529 plans are one of the worst ways to invest a college fund (15:17)
How 529 plans make college more expensive for you than it should be (16:31)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE

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