Show highlights include:
Why deadly noncommunicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease aren’t necessarily genetic conditions (6:30)
How living 2.2 years longer saves $7 trillion over the next 50 years from lining the medical industry’s pockets (7:14)
Why nurture, not nature, is the biggest component for measuring your DNA age (9:38)
The 3 “hidden-in-plain-sight” reasons backed by science that reverse your age (10:14)
Weekly and daily diet protocols that give you the best chance of living until 120 (or older) (15:10)
How 34 men decreased their DNA age by 3.2 years in only 8 weeks (and how you can too even if you’re a woman) (18:29)
On July 12th, I’m launching a 90 day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people.…