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The power of email marketing is unquestionable. You can create a community of the best customers, build an authentic brand platform of brand recognition, and do it all while still having time to golf (or down a few beers).… READ MORE

We all grow up with a broken mindset around money. We spend it quicker than we make it. We live paycheck to paycheck. And we never give our children a million dollar advantage over other kids their age. READ MORE

Building a business is no easy task. However, many builders never think about selling their business after they’ve built it. 
Which means they have two options: 
Scale it down or close it completely. READ MORE

Growing up, did you ever pretend to fight crime like a superhero or perform like your favorite entertainer? You got to define the rules of the world! But eventually, you were forced to drop the act and ‘grow up’ in your adult years. READ MORE

Show highlights include:

The ‘Michael Scott’ strategy for growing an engaged Facebook Group and standing out amongst your competitors instantly. (0:30)
Why ‘fighting for attention’ won’t make people like you and how to use other Facebook groups to get the members you want right now.… READ MORE

Planning the retirement you want starts with understanding how your pension plan fits into the ‘big picture.’ And without those overtime hours and biweekly paychecks, how will you protect the money you worked so hard for?… READ MORE

As Albert Einstein famously said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
And in order to grow your wealth and level up your business, you have to change how you operate today.… READ MORE

Referrals are the best leads you can get. They already trust you, know what you do and are aware they need help with their finances.
But it’s not easy to get others to trust you enough to send their friends to you.… READ MORE

You can make a lot of excuses about why you’re not a millionaire. Whether you’re too young, too inexperienced, or don’t have enough capital to invest. 
But they’re only excuses at the end of the day.READ MORE

Do you have the drive to get out of bed each morning and live life with a fire in your soul? We’ve all got big dreams, but most people don’t know what it takes to reach them. Or even think their dreams are attainable.… READ MORE

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