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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How laughing instantly banishes anger when your kids drive you crazy (2:15) 
Why trying to discipline your children when you’re not calm backfires and makes them angrier and more upset (4:41) 
The “Emotional Oxygen Mask Method” that puts parenting on “easy mode” (5:46) 
How to use your “Inner Benevolent Dictator” already inside you to always be cool, calm, and collected when dealing with chaotic children (6:26) 
3 go-to archetypes all mothers revert to that poisons your relationship with your kids (and how to replace these with the demeanor of a good queen) (7:02) 
The subtle, yet insidious way asking permission from your kids makes them not respect you (10:02) 
How giving your children nice commands makes them happy to do what you say (12:33) 
A simple, but powerful mental fitness exercise that instantly makes you a better, more joyful mom (15:53) 
The “Superwoman Stance” that effortlessly brings out your inner queen (especially when you’re stressed and frustrated) (18:09) 
The “Advisor Technique” that empowers your teenagers and prevents them from having mental breakdowns (21:55) 

If you’d like to set up a free 25-minute parenting coaching session, you can schedule a session here: https://coachingwithmvg.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=6549717.READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why crippling anxiety attacks actually help you write a crystal clear mental vision for your success (2:36)
How propaganda perpetrated by the media and the loss of freedom(s) in today’s society are quelled with meditation and help you overcome chaos and disorder (6:01)
Why not having an unequivocal purpose in life drains wealth you’ll accumulate (and how it may even curse you) (9:46)
How pathways form in your brain to resolve conflict and avoid self-medication by using the “Positive Mantra” that prevents you from reaching a mental breakdown (10:19)
How a weird way fulfills the prophecy of your wildest dreams coming true (even if you don’t know how to chant “ohmmm”) (12:07)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Always making excuses that you’re too busy to work out? Here’s how to shatter these “internal constraints” holding you back (3:17) 
Why your mind is the single deadliest thing holding you back from achieving perfection in your physical body (3:48) 
How to beef up your “Emotional Health” so you stop self-sabotaging (5:06) 
The “Emotion Code Method” that frees you from pent up energy you can’t get rid of by crying, talking, or exercising (7:09) 
The weird way personifying “good vibes” makes you stronger (8:04) 
How a “Muscle Test” tells you exactly what emotions you’re feeling right now (and how this prevents you from getting trapped in your emotions) (11:03)
Why you can crush your PRs simply by looking at a certain color (13:12) 
How trapped emotions result in real injuries when exercising (15:32) 
Why “Ancestral Trauma” stops you from reaching your full fitness potential (and how to finally change these subconscious patterns) (18:22) 

If you’d like to learn more about how Dr.READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Why getting trapped in your “Business Identity” sabotages your relationship at home (and how to uncover who you truly are) (3:43) 
How paying your kids for reading the Bible “ethically forces” them to embrace Jesus into their lives (12:37) 
The “Wisdom Walks Method” that makes the Bible more kid-friendly and impactful (14:01) 
How your ego subconsciously creates conflict in your family (and how “killing yourself” frees you from your ego) (27:25) 
The weird way being selfish in the morning eliminates your bad days (33:42) 
Why training every day grows your business and moves you closer to God (35:01) 

If you’d like to get in touch with Jimmy, you can send him an email at jimmy@fca.org or check out his website at https://www.jimmypage.us/READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs pretend they have the hustle muscle. They post their highlight reels on social media and act like they’re crushing it. But they’re allergic to action and their social media pages are full of lies. READ MORE

As you get older, you start experiencing a range of mental and physical changes. Whether it’s a little extra weight you’ve never noticed before or a transition into menopause, it can become stressful when you don’t know what’s natural and what’s in your control. READ MORE

Playwright Tennessee Williams once famously said, “You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it.” That sums up retirement planning.
And to avoid feeling stressed over how the money you spend in retirement, you need a plan that grows and protects your assets (or you’ll hit a roadblock the first time you need to pull emergency funds)
In this episode, you’ll discoverlearn why retirement planning is more than numbers and how your mindset about money affects the income you generate today.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How to move away from the stress of social media to create a safe space for community members (with a strategy that works for you). (1:02)

How to strengthen your digital community ‘survivor skills’ to  build an unstoppable marketing team (without getting mauled by whom/what?).READ MORE

Pamela Durkin has been a professional interior designer for more than 29 years. She has been a speaker at the IDS Southwest Florida Conference on how to help other industry professionals run a better business.READ MORE

Nobody thinks of their business like a sports team. But the New England Patriots didn’t dominate the NFL because players showed up to the stadium every week. They dominated because Bill Belichick and his staff committed to getting better every day at practice.… READ MORE

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