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Everyone wants to make more money. They laser-focus on building their wealth because they’re terrified of being average. I’m as guilty of this as the next guy. 
But none of that matters when you live in a house full of strangers. READ MORE

While the market continues to reach all-time highs, it won’t always be that way. 
When the market goes down, it’s easy to let your lizard brain corrupt all your investments and ransack your returns.READ MORE

If you’ve ever felt like you’re at war with your body, you’re not alone. In fact, 97% of women report that they think intensely negative thoughts about their bodies every single day. We actually bond over this common misery. READ MORE

From the beginning this builder/remodeler had the end in mind. He wanted to build a well respected, highly successful business that would be saleable in the end and allow for an exit strategy. The problem was he wasn’t sure how to do it?READ MORE

Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face!”
Have you ever had minutiae and distractions punch you in the face and derail your productivity? Most people have.… READ MORE

If you could make a million dollars per year, most of your financial problems would disappear. You could take all the vacations you want, drive whatever car you want and live in a mansion. 
But getting there can seem impossible.READ MORE

Some financial advisors rake it in with email marketing. Every day, they open their calendar to see new appointments with interested prospects. 
But many advisors send email after email and only get unsubscribes.READ MORE

When the media talks about wealthy people, you inevitably hear about their net worth. And it might make you feel like you have to grow your net worth as quickly as possible. 
But your net worth is only one metric for financial health.READ MORE

Being relentless is about more than having talent or connections. It’s about stopping at nothing to get what you want.
A person can have all the talent in the world and do nothing with it. When things go wrong, they never move past obstacles and excuses.… READ MORE

Have you considered moving to a new state?
Many of my Californian clients are jumping ship due to high taxes, high cost of living, remote work, and several other factors. When you’re deciding to move to a new state, there are many things you need to consider. READ MORE

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