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Life’s randomness is what makes it beautiful and dreadful. Especially with your financial plan. 
Not understanding life’s randomness increases your chances of running out of money in retirement.READ MORE

If you read the news these days, there’s always a new scheme that makes ordinary people wealthy enough to never work again. 
These stories make it easy to feel like you’re missing out—like you’re making a mistake by focusing on long-term wealth building over short-term profits. READ MORE

Show highlights include:

How being the “weird kid” growing up fills your wallet (2:13)
Why your dissenting opinion from family and friends grows your portfolio (3:58)
How following the crowd ruins your finances (5:37)
The “Rapid Retirement Process” that builds your nest egg faster than other firms would (even if you already have money) (7:27)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE

Many leaders at all different levels can fear giving some sort of speech to a group of people. But it doesn’t have to be debilitating.
In fact, channeling that energy is what can makes the difference for your group or even the world.READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to have more faith in God’s game plan (even when it’s uncomfortable and difficult). (2:38)
Why the most authentic experiences come from making the “Slim Shady” mistake.READ MORE

Many people think the American dream is dead. But it’s more alive than ever. And it’s easier than ever to obtain. 
Unlocking the American dream starts with owning your life. Not slaving away your time, money, and resources for another person. READ MORE

Humans are weird. We worry about our kids, our jobs, our relationships, our finances, and everything in between. But we don’t have control over these things most of the time. 
Do you worry around the clock over things big and small?READ MORE

A lot of young men looking for love fall into a dangerous trap:
They think their value—whether social, economic, entertainment, sexual, or otherwise—is what attracts women to them. But if you build a relationship based on value, you will never find true, unconditional love no matter what pickup artists tell you.… READ MORE

Many loan officers struggle to do more than 4-5 loans per month.
Why do you think that is?
MLO Jorge Aldrete toiled for years doing 4-5 loans a month. He now runs a successful firm that’s pushing $100 million and expects to double that next year.READ MORE

When you feel unsure about picking a policy, a broker agent can influence your decision. Trust is important. You should have an agent who is always looking for your best interest in a policy.
You want to have confidence an agent is on your side and always advocating at your time of claim.… READ MORE

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