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The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. It reveals what we do to feel loved and what motivates our behavior. The Enneagram uses numbers, instead of language, to explain attitude and behavior.
Even though there are nine distinct personality types, one dominates each of our lives.READ MORE

It’s not what can you get but what can you give? When you’re passionate about what you do it shows and giving back is one of the best ways to Level Up!
Show highlights include:

The “Tortoise” mindset shift you need when joining a Home Builders Association for making it worth your investment (7:48) 
How the people inside different builder organizations help you 20x (or more) your business (13:23) 
Why writing down your goals with pen and paper “activates” your subconscious to achieve them for you (14:55) 
How teaching your expertise gives you unrivaled positioning and makes you better at your job (17:07) 
Why growing your business without system in place bankrupts your company, your freedom, or both (18:05)  

If you want to learn more about Paul and Ed and the hiring services they provide, you can visit https://www.contractorstaffingsource.com.READ MORE

Your rational and emotional minds are at war every day. When your emotional mind wins, it causes you to make boneheaded financial decisions that jeopardize your retirement. 
Changing your environment helps you take back control over your emotions set on destruction.READ MORE

Nearly every entrepreneur has wasted money on an online ad course. And they’ve been very disappointed with either the class itself or the ad on completion.
But you don’t have to squander cash any more on ad videos.READ MORE

Referral leads  are better than random people from networking meetings. They hire you without objecting to everything you say. They’re usually wealthy, You don’t have to work to acquire them and they already trust you.READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs dream of the day they sell their business for millions of dollars. But if they are unable to sell their business, they may feel unfulfilled and the business stagnates.
So how do you sell your business?… READ MORE

Most people hide from accountability: They never admit their mistakes and don’t face the consequences of their actions. 
You can get by that way—if you’re happy with a mediocre life. But if you want wealth, true happiness and success, you need to take accountability and be responsible for the outcomes you create in your life. READ MORE

Most people never reach their full potential. They’re stuck in struggling businesses, mediocre relationships and a boring lifestyle. They want more, but they never get it.

Life’s too short to not demand The Absolute Best—of your business, your relationships and your life.… READ MORE

Do you procrastinate with your Christmas shopping?
Forbes wrote an interesting article a few years ago explaining why men wait until the last minute to start their Christmas shopping. While women start Christmas shopping as early as December 26th the year before.… READ MORE

Some say that paying attention to small things make big things happen. And while you may not be able to get everything perfect, paying attention to the details is where you make something great.
Details are more important than time.… READ MORE

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