Ability is the most essential thing needed to get ahead. Right? Wrong!
In fact, confidence is far more important than ability when it comes to growth.
Someone can have all the high-value skills in the world, but if they have low self-esteem and are not confident in their own abilities, they’ll likely fail before they even start!…
Nobody can run your business like you can.
You can’t outsource caring, and you can’t outsource skin in the game. Which makes you the best man for the job.
But if you “wear all the hats” in your business, your financial security will collapse as soon as life throws an obstacle your way.…
Show highlights include:
How to meet God’s expectations for you (even if you feel small and insignificant) (1:36)
The simple, yet difficult question we need to ask ourselves to turn frustration into fuel for growth (3:18)
The insidious way we deny ourselves the opportunity to climb mountains, lose weight, or land a job promotion (5:26)
What being your best self looks like, and why every hurdle on your way brings you closer to it (8:20)
If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us.…
Socially awkward guys don’t get girls, that’s the cold, hard truth. But hiding your social awkwardness and anxiety isn’t the answer either. When you repress, exile, and cut out your social anxiety in order to feel good about yourself, you force it further into your subconscious.…
READ MOREIs your business stuck in a rut?
Here’s the cold, truth:
If your business is at a standstill, you are shrinking. This can lead you to losing your momentum, and eventually bankruptcy.
In fact, the laws of physics explain how lethal this phenomenon is:
“An object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it”
But you know what?…
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for everyone up to age 45. It’s a tragedy—and a full out epidemic.
So why do so many people in our world choose to kill themselves instead of living out the rest of their days?…
Entrepreneurs are selfish. What do I get for showing up? How can I benefit from giving? This is BS thinking. You see, the number 1 way to get anything you want in life is giving.
It’s amazing what can happen in life with 1 connection, 1 relationship, or 1 action.…
A small family business fills its owner with pride, and motivates them to leave a legacy for their family.
But most small businesses have something in common: It’s just a job without time for a vacation with your loved ones.…
When physicians reach out to me about disability policies, they always ask what types of disability policies are available.
There are two different types. But even though they’re both considered disability policies, one works in your favor and you may be forced to pay back your benefits with the other one.…
You will always cap your growth if you don’t surround yourself with a good team. But building a team of talented people that get along with each other is difficult, especially for real estate investors.…