Technology, while replacing hundreds of thousands of jobs, is also providing many with new career opportunities.
And technology is just getting started. As it grows more powerful, making pivots will be necessary for your business’s success.… READ MORE
January can be seductive with so many “new year new you” marketing messages. We can easily get swept up in the excitement and then crash and burn by taking on way too much at once.
It’s not a great way to begin a new year.… READ MORE
People inherently know that investing is difficult and risky.
But then, why does everyone run off to buy the stocks that their favorite news channels talk about without researching and fact-checking?
Not only is this terrible in hindsight, but it also costs us our wealth in the long term.… READ MORE
LinkedIn is a phenomenal way to get clients. But if you reach out in the wrong way, you’ll burn potential prospects forever, wasting countless hours of your time, money, and sanity.
That’s the bad news.… READ MORE
As an entrepreneur, the entire world is your playing field. You have an abundance of choices.
Which sounds like a good thing.
But all too often, we get overwhelmed by choice.
If you’ve ever felt like you don’t know which actions move the needle and which keep you stuck, I’ve got some good news for you.… READ MORE
Imagine looking at an invoice for $12,000 you don’t have. And then paying it.
You might think it would be crazy…
Or downright stupid!
And maybe you’d be right. But that’s what I just did.… READ MORE
The right funnel software plays a significant role in how many sales you make and how much revenue you generate.
So if you’re wondering why you’re not making enough sales despite having the perfect ads and copy, it could be because of your funnel software.… READ MORE
Whether it’s athletes, entrepreneurs or artists: We admire people who excel at their craft. Excellence is awe-inspiring and makes us wish we were at the same level.
But excellence isn’t reserved for those with extraordinary talent.… READ MORE
Most leaders ask “qu-gestions” without even knowing it. “Qu-gestions” are suggestions sneakily disguised with a question mark at the end.
This sabotages their relationship with their employees, leading to poor teamwork, diminished results, and lower levels of morale.… READ MORE
Everyone has secrets.
Most of them for a good reason.
But, it’ is not the same with addictions. Keeping secrets may be exactly what holds you back on your way to recovery.
It’s difficult to open up about your weaknesses, regardless of how close you may be with the other person.… READ MORE