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You’ve probably been told you need to create content for a plethora of reasons. Some say you need it for SEO, some recommend it to create authority and others use it for customer acquisition.
But in today’s day in age, content has become such a huge topic that it becomes confusing quickly.… READ MORE

When you think about working out, you probably envision going to the gym or a class. But there’s a powerful exercise that you can fit into your day – even when you feel too busy.
What is it? Walking.
It may sound too simple but walking is actually one of the most mentally and physically rewarding activities you can do.… READ MORE

Many of us feel lost in our 20s. Not knowing which direction to go or how to turn your life around fills you with stress and anxiety.
Financial struggles and feeling lost can make every day a living hell.… READ MORE

Scaling your coaching or consulting business to 6- or 7-figures may feel impossible. After all, look at the mess you have to think about:
Prospecting, sales calls, your offer, paid advertising, your brand image, social media… and let’s not forget client work!… READ MORE

There are 5 driving forces behind all human behavior. And if your marketing doesn’t hit on one of these deep psychological triggers, then, well, you’ll always struggle with attracting new clients.… READ MORE

All of us dream of wealth, yet what do most people do? They laze on the couch and binge Netflix like addicts – their dreams fade into poverty.
But a small group of us, the 3 percent, are out there transforming dreams into reality.… READ MORE

Going the extra mile for your clients keeps them happy…
But eventually your extra efforts do nothing but exhaust your energy… And low energy leads to poor results, which disappoint your clients.
But there is a way to give more without burning out.… READ MORE

Everyone wants to pass down a legacy to their children and grandchildren when they pass. But most people get this idea wrong. They think their legacy only means monetary and material items they leave behind.… READ MORE

Business plateaus are inevitable. One day you’re hitting record month after record month. The next… reality slaps you in the face and all your efforts go to waste.
It’s easy to get frustrated when this happens.… READ MORE

Everyone’s feeling the insidious effects of both inflation and a down stock market. But most financial advisors tell you to stay in the market and promise it will bounce back.
Is that the truth?
Well, it’s more complicated than that because we’re set up for failure in the stock market.… READ MORE

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