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Last week we covered how “pain is not an emotion.”
Ok, great. But what do you do about an emotion that feels painful?
In today’s episode, you’ll discover exactly how to deal with painful emotions (even if you’ve been to an IFS therapist before and it didn’t work.) You’ll also discover three emotions that immature people consider to be painful.… READ MORE

We have been lied to.  The biggest scam in history is believing that the government will take care of us.
This is because the average person is a sheep and believes that we need the government for our survival.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

What a destination retreat that almost failed before it even started can teach you about succeeding against the odds (2:17)
Why God allows your life to pull the rug out from under your feet (and how to recover from every disappointment) (5:27)
The question you can ask yourself to find inner peace (even if your circumstances make you want to give up) (7:37)
The 2 options God presents us with in times of a crisis (and how to tell if you are moving in the direction he intends for you) (8:53)

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

Salvation, enlightenment, and bliss. These are the experiences everyone craves. We want the 40 lb backpack of despair, addiction, and trauma lifted off our shoulders, so we can start living life to the fullest again.… READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs are “playing business.”
They’re shuffling papers, installing new CRMs, and making sure their website looks slick and fancy. They’re always “busy,” never have time to make sales, and their life is in total disarray.… READ MORE

As a business owner, confidence is your most important skill.
Without it, you will make sloppy decisions and your team and your business will suffer.
But the reverse is also true:
Your confidence seeps through your company culture and skyrockets  your bottom line.… READ MORE

What do you think, as a young physician, your most crucial asset is?
Your retirement account or your real estate portfolio? Or some other type of holding?
What if I told you it’s none of that…
The most important asset as a young physician is your ability to get up from bed every day and do your job.… READ MORE

Most people have a negative view on what is going on in the world.
And the apparent decrease in faith – especially in the younger generations – seems to confirm this bad outlook.
But even if this is true, things may not be as dark as they seem.… READ MORE

Life isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be.
We will face difficult chapters in our lives where things feel like they’re crumbling, breaking down, or falling apart. Peculiar seasons where everything seems to just go wrong and the solutions feel out of reach.… READ MORE

Passion, they say, is hard to monetize and even if you could, it’ll take you a longer time to reap profit.
But that’s not the same for Greg, who built a successful business off his passion for geography and his brother’s passion for art.… READ MORE

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