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When I meet other working women and ask how they want to feel, they tell me they want to feel at ease, calm, fully present, or in control.
And why? Because that’s NOT how they feel right now! It’s normal, but the key to feeling better is knowing the levers to pull to get you back to a state where you feel a sense of agency and control.… READ MORE

Running an omni channel brand is a lot of work.
You’re trying to help your customers offline, but there’s a new support email asking for extra help from a new customer. Balancing delivery without bias for each client.… READ MORE

In a world where everyone is trying to learn new things, there is an immense demand for more creators.
But is it enough to just create a course? Certainly not.
Many creators think they can easily put together some info and the cash would start coming their way.… READ MORE

So many of us kick off our entrepreneurial careers because we’re tired of following orders.
We want to be in control of our lives. To live life in the driver’s seat, instead of just spectating.
But the sad truth is, in an effort to gain control, we end up:
Micromanaging ourselves…
Forcing ourselves to do tasks we hate…
And eventually burning out.… READ MORE

Do you know what separates highly successful individuals from people that live paycheck to paycheck?
It’s not where they’re born, who their parents are or what school they went to…
It’s financial literacy.… READ MORE

Many financial advisors have a natural abrasion to raising their prices. And it makes sense: Once you consider raising your prices, your brain tries to convince you that you’ll lose all of your clients overnight.… READ MORE

Every human being who has ever existed has felt downtrodden, lost, and in the dumps. It’s a part of the human experience — but it also unlocks an opportunity to change every life you encounter.

What comes to your mind when you think about flexible investments that you can use to fund your business or purchases like cars?
Mutual funds? Bonds? Stocks?
What if I told you there’s a better, more underrated alternative.… READ MORE

Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy. Without a doubt, some of the sickest individuals to roam America in the 20th century. But according to IFS Therapy & Richard Schwartz’s book, “No Bad Parts”, they aren’t pure evil.… READ MORE

Confronting your beliefs about life is one of the most difficult (and rewarding) things you can do. Nobody likes being wrong, let alone admitting their wrong.
But what if your beliefs—whether in God, addiction, or trauma—are wrong?… READ MORE

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