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Some days, you feel vibrant, powerful and full of energy to conquer the day. Other days, you just don’t. So what’s the secret behind maximizing those days where you feel amazing?
Today’s guest Brenda Villa is an expert at energy management.… READ MORE

You want your business to be a success. Maybe you want to leave your soul-crushing job. Or maybe you want the flexibility to do all the things you want. There’s that dream destination that you’ve always wanted to visit.… READ MORE

Like most financial advisors, you probably started out excited, but quickly realized getting clients is hard. In that situation, most financial advisors go out and try to land every client they can find.… READ MORE

As podcasts continue to EXPLODE, more and more people are jumping in head-first with the goal of leveraging themselves and their business, not forgetting the potential for an additional revenue stream.… READ MORE

As a holistic practitioner, you’re probably critical of some of the practices of the allopathic medical community.
One of the most common criticisms is the greed of big pharma companies. But when it comes down to it, even many acupuncturists are greedy.… READ MORE

If you want to learn how we scaled our online training & consulting business from zero to over $1 million/month, you won’t want to miss this episode. We talk about everything from copywriting, decision-making, energy optimization hacks, business growth and a ton more.… READ MORE

If you’ve ever closed a deal or even spoken with a lead, you know how many hours go into closing a single deal. From visiting the property to sales meetings to renovations, you’ve got to spend a lot of time on-site—especially if you’re a one-man show.… READ MORE

Taking a vacation as an employee is fairly easy: Request time off, get it approved and then arrange your travel.
If you’re an entrepreneur, taking time off is a lot more complicated. But you need vacations–especially when you’re working hard every day.… READ MORE

Have you felt like you’re ready to scale your business for a while – but every time you think of getting started you just freeze up??
This is all too common…
It can feel daunting! Where are you supposed to start?… READ MORE

You’ve heard internet “experts” talk about giving value before doing business with someone. Following their advice might kill your business.
You can absolutely give value before you work with someone, but if you do it the wrong way (and at the wrong time), it sends your prospects to your competition and bankrupt you in the long-term.… READ MORE

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