As a business owner, listening, understanding, and meeting expectations is a notoriously tricky task. It can be hard to find the balance between going the extra mile and being taken advantage of – but fortunately, there are a few things you can do to set – and manage – crystal clear client expectations from the start.… READ MORE
As Deal Makers, we’re no strangers to business anxiety. We’re just as susceptible as the rest of the population – if not more so.
It’s tough for anyone to deal with, but it’s even more challenging when you’ve got a business to run.… READ MORE
If you’re struggling to attract leads online, it’s easy to think you need better strategies, tactics and buy yet another course or read one more book.
But the truth is: You usually don’t need better strategies, you just need to know where to optimize what you’re already doing.… READ MORE
For most designers, making a $100,000 salary is what it will take for you to quit your job or achieve your goals.
I hear it all the time. “Tracy, I want to make $100,000 a year. What does it really take?” The truth is, it’s… complicated.… READ MORE
If you love the game of golf, you can probably imagine how your friends would look at you if you started breaking 90 consistently. Maybe you even know a golfer at that skill level and see how the rest of the club looks at him.… READ MORE
In theory, vacations are amazing. You get to watch your kids or family marvel at different parts of the country or the world. You recharge from your hard work. Most importantly, you and your family make memories for a lifetime.… READ MORE
I find it so much more fun to not talk to myself – and what makes it even better is when I get to have very cool people on the show with me. So I can talk to them, find out what they’re up to and give YOU a different perspective.… READ MORE
Your website is the home of your business online. Even prospects you’ve met in-person will often find your website to seek out additional info about you.
But not every website is successful. In fact, most websites don’t attract clients at all.… READ MORE
If you haven’t reached your goal with your practice yet, growing it can feel like a slog. You work hard and do everything experts tell you to do. But you’re still not booked out.
If that’s the case, you’re missing one thing: Momentum.… READ MORE
Tim Austin is a veteran in the financial services industry. His passion was in helping parents solve their most immediate need – paying for their children’s college education while continuing to fund their lifestyle, pay off their home, and save for retirement.… READ MORE