We all know we should save money if we want to end the paycheck to paycheck cycle. But with interest rates lower than inflation, a savings account is really just losing your money slower. Plus, who wants to gamble on the stock market in these uncertain times?… READ MORE
In this episode, you’ll learn…
How to finally convince yourself to get off the couch after you’ve battled depression for months (9:10)
How Jesus can heal your toughest physical, mental, or spiritual suffering (10:38)
Why you should celebrate when doubt creeps into your head (23:41)
How to banish doubt from your mind when it starts to rear its ugly head (25:30)
How making one tweak can transform your life in 7 days or less (30:57)
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE
Too many of us carry around a bitter cup of pain, suffering, and misery. When these negative feelings flavor our “tea bags” it’s no surprise that finding peace and joy is so hard. Your cup doesn’t have any room for feeling better.… READ MORE
Highlights from this episode include:
The wealthy investor’s secret to profiting even when the market is in the tank (2:55)
Why understanding the dividend growth model can make you rich… or destroy your financial life (4:08)
A foolproof way to pick company stock with the best chance to pay off (4:52)
The little known reason dividends shield you from bankruptcy even when stock price has plummeted (9:44)
Why dividends alone aren’t enough to judge a company and what you need to look for to safeguard your investment dollars (13:05)
Over 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. This has overwhelmed Medicare, putting your loved one at risk of not getting the care they need at hospitals and assisted-living facilities.
What will you do when you’re forced to care for your family members in their home because t Medicare doesn’t cover the rising costs of a facility?… READ MORE
In this episode, you’ll learn…
How to maintain your optimism when life throws you curveballs (2:06)
Why being happy helps you exploit your unique strengths (2:40)
The “3 to 1 Method” that makes positivity a cakewalk (even if it’s easier to be negative) (4:45)
Why negativity can be better teacher than positivity (5:05)
The internet marketing show for smart marketers only.
If you’re easily offended, or a guru fanboy, then this isn’t the marketing show for you.
If you can stomach Jay’s cultural insensitivity, sarcasm, and completely inappropriate dark humor, then he’ll give you the success secrets behind the $1B companies he’s worked with, and show you how to systematically scale your affiliate marketing and internet marketing businesses.… READ MORE
Nothing you will ever do will be more profitable than working for free. It’s downright counterintuitive, but it works like gangbusters.
Not only is working for free easier than working for millions of dollars, but it will create a rabid fanbase that are ready to fight any war on your behalf.… READ MORE
Much like disability insurance, many physicians don’t give much thought to life insurance early in their training. After all, your income isn’t as high, and you don’t have time to think about one more thing.… READ MORE
Most wholesalers struggle with creating a steady paycheck. They have one good month where the money piles up. But then they close no deals for the next few months.
Not only does this make growing your wholesale business impossible, but it floods you with self-doubt and nightmares of returning to your job.… READ MORE