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Humans are weird. We worry about our kids, our jobs, our relationships, our finances, and everything in between. But we don’t have control over these things most of the time. 
Do you worry around the clock over things big and small?READ MORE

A lot of young men looking for love fall into a dangerous trap:
They think their value—whether social, economic, entertainment, sexual, or otherwise—is what attracts women to them. But if you build a relationship based on value, you will never find true, unconditional love no matter what pickup artists tell you.… READ MORE

Many loan officers struggle to do more than 4-5 loans per month.
Why do you think that is?
MLO Jorge Aldrete toiled for years doing 4-5 loans a month. He now runs a successful firm that’s pushing $100 million and expects to double that next year.READ MORE

When you feel unsure about picking a policy, a broker agent can influence your decision. Trust is important. You should have an agent who is always looking for your best interest in a policy.
You want to have confidence an agent is on your side and always advocating at your time of claim.… READ MORE

You’ve probably heard a bunch of “success advice” on the internet. “Be committed to the cause”, “learn from the journey”, “stay true to the hustle”… blah blah blah!
It’s all noise.… READ MORE

There’s two types of people in this world. Those that act. And those that think. 
Spoiler alert: 
Those that act make the big bucks, drive the fancy cars, and live a lavish lifestyle. Those that think are the losers who will never control their own destiny or bank account. READ MORE

Almost everyone receives a raise at their job sometime during their career. But did you save half of that raise when you got it? You probably didn’t.
So where do you learn the life skills about saving for retirement?… READ MORE

Would you board a flight that had a 70% probability of safely reaching its destination? How about 90%?
While these are odds we’d avoid if our life was on the line, many people blindly trust their retirement to a financial plan with similar numbers.READ MORE

Building a successful business can provide you the freedom to do other things and spend time doing what you love. And that may just be starting other businesses. Our guest Sean Sullivan started out as a remodeler and subcontractor that took on various small projects.READ MORE

You may think that weekends and holidays are the time to get caught up. You finish the work week only to overstuff your time off with even more things to do. And you’re always trying to catch up. 
But is being caught up really possible?READ MORE

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