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Your business lives and dies on your ability to make rational decisions.
Biases, or “mental blind spots” are the enemy.
But you can’t see your blind spots. So how are you supposed to know if biases are harming your business
Today’s guest, Results Leader Gary Ralston has the answers.… READ MORE

So many women struggle to say no. Whenever women get a request for their precious time, they feel like they owe it to the person asking. The reality is that time is finite. It’s the one resource we have that we can’t get back.… READ MORE

Building a business takes discipline, determination and a vision for the future. Matt Livingston shares his history as an entrepreneur across several different fields and
what continues to drive him.… READ MORE

Building a better company can be difficult without the right people.
Without the right team members, your company can head towards bankruptcy quickly — without you even realizing it.
If you want your company to thrive, you must build your team members’ confidence.… READ MORE

Running a Kickstarter campaign is hard. And with 9% of all Kickstarter campaigns failing, it’s no easy feat. Bad timing, funding goals that are out of reach, rewards that are too pricey, and a multitude of other things can throw off your Kickstarter campaign.… READ MORE

It’s hard to succeed when your environment is sucking your motivation, energy and willpower dry.
But here’s the good news. There’s one force even stronger than your environment. Your thoughts.… READ MORE

Social media is like a cheat code for financial advisors — if you know how to use it. The problem is most financial advisors spend all their free time on social media without any new clients to show for it.… READ MORE

Why aren’t you wealthy yet?
It’s not the reason you think.
You might say it’s because you haven’t found the right opportunity. Or because you’re stuck in a 9-5 and don’t have the time to build a business.… READ MORE

Business is about more than money. For some, it’s about recognition. For others, it’s about mastery.
However you define success, one thing’s true: you’d be crazy to expect it overnight! Nope, it’s gonna take a whole lot of hard work.… READ MORE

If you want to make more money as a coach, there’s really only two choices:
First, you can charge more. But no matter how good you are, you can only bump your price so high before your clients resent you and leave.… READ MORE

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