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When you sit down to create something that attracts patients, what do you do? You probably sit down and you get “empty page syndrome”.
You start to type, you delete. You type again, delete again until you decide to take a coffee break.… READ MORE

Today I’m revealing something I learned while whoring out my mind to the highest bidder… a.k.a. being a freelance copywriter.
And it made the difference between being like most of the other copywriters out there… always broke, begging for, and acepting any second rate gig that’ll pay the rent…
To having the choice to pick and choose the best projects…
While working with some of the best marketers and entrepreneurs in the country.READ MORE

We’re back for part two of an extra-special client panel episode where Tory and Kevin answer your questions and share their stories and success secrets from being members of the Client Kit ™ mentoring program.… READ MORE

Whether you use bandit signs, direct mail, Google AdWords or other marketing channels, there’s one thing you can’t run a business without these days: A website.
Now, different investors have different websites.… READ MORE

This is not your usual Smartest Guys in Marketing ™ episode. Today is an extra special podcast episode from a recent live stream with a client panel of two very fabulous business owners; Tory & Kevin.… READ MORE

Have you ever met someone who seems to get ALL THE THINGS done?
When they say, “I’m going to…” (whether it’s start eating healthy, get more organized, or start exercising) they make it happen!… READ MORE

Have you heard the saying: Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems?
It’s the idea that your problems don’t go away when you have more money (or your business grows).

Referrals. They’re almost magical, turning one client into three without doing anything yourself.
Whether you’ve gotten referrals before or are anxious about asking for them, there’s a lot of mistakes financial advisors make when it comes to referrals.… READ MORE

“No one on his deathbed ever said, I wish I had spent more time on my business.”
~Paul Tsongas.
I’d imagine getting to the end of the line and realizing you’ve got regrets is one of the most challenging feelings ever.… READ MORE

If you sold out, you could easily build a big practice with a lot of patients. You could partner with anyone and everyone, make false promises and accept any penny you could get.
But as an authentic holistic practitioner, you’re in this to fulfill a mission of helping people relieve their pain and you don’t want to be controlled by greed.… READ MORE

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