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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

Why avoiding small, petty arguments in your marriage is the first step for sabotaging your relationship according to a mathematician turned psychologist (2:33) 
The “would you say that at work?” filter that instantly stops silly disputes with your spouse before they start (3:30) 
The counterintuitive reason working hard to give your kids a good life cripples your relationship with them (10:38) 
How putting your family first helps you become the youngest GM in a Fortune 500 company’s history (even if it seems like your career will plummet by focusing less on it) (11:40) 
Why you should run away from working at your dream business if they don’t let you openly talk about your faith (25:31) 
How being bold in your faith creates a deeper connection with your company (especially if it seems like not talking about your faith is the best way to land promotions) (29:@4) 
Why being a great leader is impossible without having humility, authenticity, and vulnerability (32:12) 
How being a “Bible thumper” pushes other people away from your faith (and what to do instead to convert non believers) (34:02) 

If you’d like to learn more about Kirk and connect with him, you can find his LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirk-perry-3410bb1a/ 
Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?READ MORE

2020 was a perfect reminder for real estate investors that you can’t depend on the current environment for finding motivated sellers. Where do you find leads in a dead market?
While considering how to make ends meet, you also have to be aware of how other investors act in the market.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

The ‘Lollapalooza Festival’ approach for establishing guidelines and building community culture in your Facebook Group.  (0:44)
Why rules are a waste of time in Facebook Groups and how to get the members you want (while establishing community standards). … READ MORE

Our guest Jenny Hoffman has a background in both architecture and construction, she founded her company, J. Hoffman Studio, in 2015 with a focus on designing and building custom modern dream homes.READ MORE

When it comes to talking about the Dow Jones Industrial Average, you’re referring to the marketplace. And while you should be aware of its current state, understanding its history is the only way to predict it.… READ MORE

Whether you realize it or not, we negotiate all the time. While buying a new car or discussing a salary may come to mind, we have to overcome obstacles and set clear objectives in our personal lives too.READ MORE

Most entrepreneurs are creating content and marketing online without really understanding who they’re trying to targeting. Then they end up with ‘business burnout’ and no clients to show for it. READ MORE

There’s only one thing worse than not having a website for financial advisors: Having a bad website. If prospects find a website that undermines their trust, they’ll never become a client. 
Luckily, you don’t have to become a professional marketer to have a convincing website that attracts clients.READ MORE

Every entrepreneur isn’t a CEO (even if they think they are). The truth is, they both require two completely different skill sets.
For example, you can hustle your way to 6 figures. But you’ll never be able to consistently clear 7 figures working 24/7 on your own.… READ MORE

There’s no step-by-step plan to get rich. Even if your career is skyrocketing, you might have to care for a parent, lose your job or have a terrible accident. Things outside of your control can always get in the way. READ MORE

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