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It can be easy to lose track of what we really value. We say we prioritize our family, but we skip movie time to sit hunched behind our laptops. We know the work we have to get done, but we get distracted by social media, texts and emails. READ MORE

We’ve all gotten stuck making a decision… Whether it’s finding a new show on Netflix or buying a gallon of milk at the grocery store; the world feels like it has too many options.
And when our choices feel limitless, sometimes we freeze.READ MORE

Most people don’t know the fundamentals of money. Schools never taught us it. And not knowing some fundamental questions about money gives you a lottery winner’s chances of becoming wealthy. 
But here’s the thing:
Once you understand how money works, becoming wealthy is just a matter of time. READ MORE

Have you ever set a goal and then abandoned it a few weeks later?
It’s humiliating to go back on your word. And it damages your self-worth.
But maybe it’s not your fault.
Often, abandoning goals is just a sign they weren’t in alignment with your values.… READ MORE

It’s a struggle to get your real estate business off the ground. 
No bank wants to lend you money without a track record. Most hard money lenders only finance the property, not the flip. And equity deals force you to do all the work while some other guy takes half your profit.  READ MORE

How would your life change right now if you suddenly made 32 times more money? 
Imagine the dream house you could live in, the luxurious experiences you could have, and the freedom you would feel. 
This could be you 5 years from now.READ MORE

Why do some financial advisors have tons of clients, abundant wealth and all the free time they want? And why do others stay poor even though they work 24/7? 
Most people would think about their online presence, sales skills or certifications. READ MORE

In the past week, Russia invaded Ukraine and sent financial markets in a tizzy. Anxious investors scurried to sell off their portfolios before the market tanked. 
But is that the best strategy? 
Probably not.READ MORE

It’s easy to get upset at others when they’re ignorant, annoying or insulting. But when you get upset, you’ll only feel more disconnected. 
The best way to repair your relationships and connect with others is through compassion. READ MORE

Show highlights include:  

How to find what matters most in life by seeing through the eyes of an EMT First Responder. (4:02)
How to have the Waiting Game strength to persevere through any obstacle. (16:01)
The Nature Trail Theory for getting your zest back in life (even when everything changes around you).… READ MORE

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