There are 16 main personality types. And while each personality type offers different advantages and disadvantages, there’s a trend for which personality types make the most money and enjoy the most success.… READ MORE
It’s every leader’s nightmare:
You know exactly what needs to be done to grow the business. So you lay out the plan to your team.
They nod their heads, agree…
Then 3 months later they still haven’t done a thing.… READ MORE
Do you think we’re in a recession?
Whether true or false, the entire world thinks we are, forcing themselves to live on a tighter budget.
And what does this mean? Less spending & diminishing revenue for brands.… READ MORE
“Fake it ‘til you make it” is a lie designed to keep you poor.
Because everybody you associate with has an inbuilt “BS detector”. And when you try to be someone you’re not, that detector flashes bright red…
Causing you to miss out on deals, networking opportunities and sales.… READ MORE
What’s the difference between $100,000 per month and $1,000,000 per month?
How you spend your time!
Most entrepreneurs pretend they’re flooded with work. In reality, they’re scrolling on instagram, checking out their emails, and hanging out with their friends all day.… READ MORE
What is your ultimate goal in life? And more importantly, what steps are you taking today to achieve that goal?
Here’s why I ask:
When we set goals, especially massive goals, it can burden us with stress.… READ MORE
Shadows are repressed parts of you that have been exiled, disowned, and thrust into your unconscious. In other words, they’re still there — and causing you untold amounts of pain and suffering. The worst part?… READ MORE
Show highlights include:
How Thanksgiving helps you to define your mission in life (1:27)
The surprising way a week full of work gives you more energy than going on a vacation (2:54)
How to turn a mundane chore into a fulfilling activity that gives you a sense of purpose (5:33)
Why ignoring your family helps you to move past your comfort zone (9:20)
The “acts of kindness” challenge you can start right now to grow your compassion (14:30)
If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here:
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE
When you were born, you weren’t a people pleaser. Yet many people label themselves as such today (even though it causes undue suffering).
Because learning to be a people pleaser usually helps you cope with a traumatic experience that could date back to your early childhood years.… READ MORE
“Buy when there’s blood in the streets.”
That’s what a lot of real estate investors preached in 2009. Many of these charlatans are making the same mistakes 95% of investors made in 2009. And it’s being repeated right now in 2022.… READ MORE