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As a veteran, you served part of your life for your country. You did your dues and now finally you have a second career as a pilot out of the military.
Everything is going well. You are getting VA disability benefits for a condition that you have.… READ MORE

What is virtue?
It is possessing the courage to do the right thing in every instance regardless of the cost. A person of virtue is one of moral excellence.
To be virtuous means knowing the right thing to do and doing it, everyday.… READ MORE

We have several tour guides throughout our lives. Our parents, our teachers, our mentors, and our friends. When used correctly, these tour guides steer you down creating your own path, and becoming an experitus.… READ MORE

One of my new clients woke up with $0 in her life insurance policy after 33 years of funding.
Worst part?
Her premium was about to increase 1,300%.
Yep, 1,300%!
I tell you this because if you don’t know any better, you can choose a life insurance policy that’s not optimal for your personal banking system.… READ MORE

Immediately after my wife left me, she cleaned out the bank account (almost $40,000.) She used the cash to buy jewelry, and also got a lawyer (who sued me.)
Unfortunately I lost the case, and The County of Santa Clara forced me to pay $3,500 a month to my wife in alimony and child support.… READ MORE

The stock market is a jungle full of vicious predators… Some, whose sole objective is to relieve you of all your money.
This is terrible news if you’re new or don’t know how to play the game…
Tune in to this episode as I share the shocking reality of the stock market, why a small percentage of people consistently make money, and why most people lose and quit the game.… READ MORE

The market is saturated with real estate coaches claiming to be gurus after they do 2 or 3 deals. They haven’t even started to get their feet wet yet nor gone through several market cycles, but coach other investors.… READ MORE

Is the dollar really dead?
That’s all that seems to be in the news of laterecent. Reports sayare that the dollar is losing global reserve status and cannot remain the world’s reserve currency for much longer.… READ MORE

Empowering and enabling your team to think and act like leaders is very difficult.
But it may be the key to your success as a leader.
The secret is that top sales leaders intentionally demonstrate what great leadership looks like to empower their people, increase their team’s self-motivation, and raise the bar on their critical thinking and execution.… READ MORE

Storing processes in the minds of your senior leaders is a huge risk for your business. What would happen to your firm if those leaders leave the company?
You don’t have to imagine, I’ll tell you: Essential knowledge is lost, leaving the rest of the organization without clear direction or guidance.… READ MORE

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