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Many financial advisors think they must sacrifice everything they love in order to build a successful business. For example, they’ll take another prospect call instead of spending the afternoon with their son.… READ MORE

Ever wonder why blue-collar workers tend to take it easy on the job instead of hustling to get things done quicker?
It all comes down to how they’re paid – by the hour.
See, they know that their paycheck is determined, not by their work quality, but by the number of hours they put in.… READ MORE

As if having Diabetes isn’t difficult on its own.  You must watch your diet, take insulin, and live a healthy lifestyle.
Then, you’re a pilot and must deal with the laundry list of the FAA requirements – even if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.… READ MORE

Negativity is the tendency to be disagreeable, skeptical and pessimistic.
When you’re negative, you assume the worst case scenario and look for the worst in every situation.
This negativity can hang over your life, cloud your judgment and force you to make gut-wrenching mistakes.… READ MORE

Time is your child’s greatest asset.
Especially when we’re talking about investing.
The reason?
Compounding interest.
The earlier your child starts investing, the greater the power of compounding interest.… READ MORE

Many men are ignorant about how attraction actually works.
Because of this, they’re forever destined to stay single (and alone.)
While attraction definitely involves muscles, good looks, and money, it has more to do with:
Where you rank on the “Provider Vs.… READ MORE

The concept of “healing” might sound appealing, but it’s actually a dangerous trick in disguise. Why? Well, it means you have to believe something is wrong with you in the first place, otherwise healing would never interest you.… READ MORE

The fastest route to failure is the FREE mindset, where you want everything to be free.
It may seem appealing, but the truth is nothing is free.
And the longer you search for freebies, the worse your life becomes.… READ MORE

In a recession, you must be able to call into question everything you’ve done before.
A recession in the autumn seems inevitable.
And it’s logical to try and minimize your losses while you ride out the storm.… READ MORE

When tragedy strikes it can be hard to imagine life will ever be good again. But if you refuse to give up, you can find new opportunities that lead to success beyond your dreams.
Chris Singleton, a baseball player turned real estate investor, is a firsthand example of how your response to hardship can take your life in a surprising and successful direction.… READ MORE

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