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Question: When you think you’ve found a lucrative deal, do you go out, tell everyone about it, and try to raise capital at world-shattering speeds?
Yet, as soon as your money partners analyze your deal, they realize instantly that empty promises lurk in your deal?.… READ MORE

Most real estate entrepreneurs run away from failure. Who wants to admit that they tried something new, and it blew up in their face?
Your friends will laugh at you, your family will remind you of your failures, and you go back into your cave feeling like a loser.… READ MORE

There is a certain bias that makes almost all M&A integrations fail.
Most CEOs think they need to make the integration as short as possible, so they avoid eroding their company’s assets.
And While it’s important to burn as little cash as you possibly can, this is also where things go wrong.… READ MORE

When you try representing yourself in court, you may start looking for self-proclaimed legal gurus who promise you they can get you out of it.
Well, after trying one of these so-called gurus myself, I can tell you this: They just want to take advantage of you to test out their weird legal theories that can’t win.… READ MORE

Picking the right disability coverage provider is a big deal.
Because they’ll be your safety net when times get tough, and you’ll be paying them for a long time.
Make sure it’s a wise investment.
Join me in this episode as I reveal the top companies we recommend, along with what to watch out for.… READ MORE

When is the right time to educate your kids on money?
The truth is: not everyone’s approach to teaching financial responsibilities has to be the same. Some people start giving kids allowances early on and teach as early as possible, and some prefer to keep their kids blissfully unaware until they’re a little older.… READ MORE

Many blue collar businesses struggle to make enough money because they rely on seasonal jobs. It’s like hoping for the right weather to catch fish.
But this way of doing business is risky and keeps them barely afloat.… READ MORE

Most people, including most financial advisors, are weak.
They claim they’re wealthy but have maxed out credit cards. They’re afraid to ask for help when they need it. And this results in them never being able to become a top financial advisor in the country.… READ MORE

What’s the difference between you and mega successful coaches and consultants with a dream business?
It’s simple: They’re getting more leads than you are.
That’s the bad news.
The good news?
You have the power to turn yourself into a lead magnet, so clients line up around the block waiting to work with you.… READ MORE

Most people tend to choose what feels good at the moment, even if it’s not the best choice in the long run.
You might have heard the saying: It’s easier to take the easy path now, but it often leads to difficult times later.… READ MORE

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