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So many of us want to be more productive.
Because most of us live in a chronic state of affairs in which we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. Staring down our never-ending list makes us feel like we’ll never catch a break…we’re just destined to run on this treadmill forever.… READ MORE

Why does the school system teach us a whole bunch of random subjects that we’ll never use in our lives?
For a large majority, this leads to boredom and self esteem issues when they don’t fit in.
The hard to accept truth is that the school system teaches us to be good employees.… READ MORE

Sure, making money is great. But what if you could use your business to change the world?
I’m not talking about cheap tricks like “we donate 1% of profits to charity”.
I’m talking about real changes you can see, like saving the rainforests, sheltering the homeless, and feeding the hungry… all while maintaining a healthy profit.… READ MORE

As a financial advisor, there may be one aspect to your “financial health” that you’re completely neglecting. In fact, most financial advisors don’t even consider it a part of their finances, but it trumps all other forms of finances.… READ MORE

Starting out as a coach is never easy.
No past experience. Little confidence. Uncertainty about whether people would pay you to coach them
But there is – not just one person, but a bunch of people eager to hand you cash in exchange for what you know.… READ MORE

Public speaking isn’t something we’re born with. A lack of confidence can make or break you when presenting to clients.
Instead of appearing cool, calm, and collected, you could appear incompetent and unprofessional — and they could seek another service provider asap.… READ MORE

If you own a local business, there’s a good chance you’ll run into one (or all) of these three problems in your lifetime.
Problem 1: you can’t get any customers because nobody knows who you are.… READ MORE

Most people lead their lives with their mind, not their heart. This causes unnecessary stress, worry, and anxiety.
Because your heart sends signals to your mind, and your mind makes up negative stories about whatever your heart’s sending you.… READ MORE

Every day, you see middle-class investors putting their hard-earned money into the stock market, only to get burned by the whims of the rich.
It’s because they follow bogus advice, thinking they are getting the best deal when in fact they’re getting the worst.… READ MORE

We all face barriers on the road to achieving what we want. Some barriers are external. There are things in the way. Some barriers are internal. Our inner dialogue can be self-limiting. It’s a sad reality that in 2023 women still face more external barriers than men do.… READ MORE

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