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People often believe that success in both business and life depends solely on hard work and persistence.
However, this belief is only partially true.
What tends to be overlooked is the crucial importance of truly understanding oneself profoundly.… READ MORE

Are you tired of struggling to hit your revenue goals?
It’s time to uncover the secret to success – finding your gold clients.
Every business has clients who are worth their weight in gold.
They bring in consistent, high-paying work and are a dream to work with.… READ MORE

Most email marketing advice you find on Google is dead wrong. Articles preach things like give value to your list, avoid talking about touchy subjects, and don’t send more than a couple emails per week.… READ MORE

There is an old expression that says that a man plans, and God laughs.
This is especially true if you plan to live a selfish life by only thinking about your own needs.
God has bigger plans for you. He wants you to live a fulfilled life, that not only serves yourself, but your family and community as well.… READ MORE

url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/theschoolofclientattraction/MRP-159.mp3″ title=”9 Ways To Convert Leads Into Clients” artist=”Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction” ]
Leads aint cash.… READ MORE

In today’s world, everyone seems to be an expert.
Advice seems to be free, and you can get it just about anywhere – including Reddit.
The “Reddit” effect causes you to believe that your situation is the same as everyone else’s when dealing with the FAA.… READ MORE

Negativity is the tendency to be disagreeable, skeptical and pessimistic.
When you’re negative, you assume the worst case scenario and look for the worst in every situation.
This negativity can hang over our lives, cloud our judgment and force us to make mistakes.… READ MORE

The banks receive massive paydays by collecting interest off of YOUR savings.
Here’s how:
Banks don’t let the money you give them sit there. They loan it out as fast as they can, marking it up with interest, and selling it back to us in the form of car loans, mortgages, business loans, etc.… READ MORE

There’s an invisible world living beneath your skin. It controls your emotions, mood, cravings, and can even alter your entire personality.
What’s this invisible world that can hijack your very experience of life itself?… READ MORE

Your financial success hinges on one crucial factor: your philosophy of wealth.
I’m talking about your thoughts and beliefs about money itself.
Consider how you approach saving, spending, making purchases, and committing to long-term financial plans.… READ MORE

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