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If you’re a working mom, you may have gotten this question before. And you might frame your answer based on the financial benefits of your job (“I work so I can buy you clothes” or “so you can go to camp”) since it’s direct and easy to understand.… READ MORE

What makes a jewelry designer successful?
Is it talent? Hard work? Luck?
Not even close! If being talented and working hard was all it takes to make it in the jewelry biz… most jewelry designers would be successful.… READ MORE

You probably know the situation: You know exactly where the ball needs to land so you can golf par. You get ready, take your swing–and miss your target.
It’s embarrassing in front of your friends. But more importantly, it makes you wonder why you’re not playing the golf you’re capable of.… READ MORE

Time for a little truth. Most of us are so ingrained in a ‘fake it till you make it’ mindset that we bury our struggles as far under the surface as possible. We keep up appearances. We downplay, rationalize, and hide our fears.… READ MORE

Starting a conversation with a new prospect is great: You get the chance to help someone get their finances in order and you get the chance to make money yourself.
But then they hit you with objections, doubts and skepticism.… READ MORE

If you’ve heard of a Roth IRA, you may be wondering how different it really is from a traditional 401(k). We get it – we understand that it can all get a little confusing!
While both a Roth IRA and 401(k) have some similarities, they both have some pretty significant differences.… READ MORE

I want you to consider how much your mind could be messing things up for you.
Is a complaint just something you made up in your mind?
Isn’t a problem just something you call a problem?
What if it’s NOT a problem?… READ MORE

You’ve probably heard that videos are a very effective marketing tool. But very few chiropractors actually do video marketing. Why?
Video looks much harder to create than written or spoken content: You need the right equipment.… READ MORE

In both your personal and professional life, there are times when it’s necessary to ‘end’ something. Maybe it’s time has passed, it’s season is over, or continuing it would be destructive in some way.… READ MORE

When it comes to the business world, the word hustle means to work hard relentlessly to achieve your goals. “If you’re not hustling, you’re losing” is the message we hear from a lot of people.
But today, we’re talking about the word hustle from a marketing agency standpoint.… READ MORE

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