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In this episode, you’ll learn…

How to prevent your kids from dividing and conquering you and your spouse (3:38)
How to remain a unified team with your spouse (even with completely opposite personalities) (6:57)
The trick for not growing apart when your spouse has a different parenting style than you (9:40)
Why certain parenting styles are neither “right” or “wrong” (10:32)
Why an “us vs them” mentality to parenting slowly erodes your kids’ trust in you (13:05)
Why it’s okay if your kids think you’re making the wrong decision (16:19)
The importance of building up your spouse in front of your kids — especially during tough times (17:43)

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://befitandfierce.com and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover:

The “dive bar method” to getting big rent checks from low-end properties. (2:56)
Why repairs can make your tenants move to rundown properties in a rough part of town.… READ MORE

Growing your wholesale business to make 7 figures every year ain’t easy.
It’s impossible if you’re focusing on the wrong things, don’t know the right numbers, or are too scared to take risks in your marketing.… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll learn…

An indispensable relationship skill you can develop to win at home (2:54)
A bulletproof method for determining what “hat” you should wear at home to avoid hurting your relationships (4:22)
The secret to getting keeping your children from shutting you out of their world completely (16:14)
How regular practices of stillness, gratitude, and prayer can improve every area of your life (22:25)
A mind-altering trick for eliminating worries by getting them out of your head (22:50)
How to avoid regressing to old habits when life returns to “normal” (25:16)
The “75% solution” that prompts you to take action so you don’t feel stuck (29:15)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

You probably already know that disability insurance is something you need to have, but you might have wondered if you need it while you’re young and not making much money.
In this episode, Billy discusses the benefits to getting your disability coverage as soon as possible, and why waiting could leave you without insurance when you need it most.… READ MORE

Relying on one marketing channel is dangerous for your business: As soon as the marketing environment changes, your leads dry up and your business crumbles.
But you don’t have to. If you combine different marketing channels in your marketing strategy, you can get more leads and more deals for the long-term.… READ MORE

Auctions typically get a bad rap by investors. Mostly because they think they’ll get scammed on a property and never make a return from it.
But there are many ways you can monetize auctions. And if you do your due diligence, you won’t get duped into paying for a dud.… READ MORE

As a physician, there are seemingly endless demands on your time. From training to continuing education to your family… not to mention seeing patients, you feel like you’ll never get it all done.… READ MORE

When our world becomes chaotic, it can be hard to tell if we’re still making the kind of progress we want in our lives. But even in the best of times, progress doesn’t follow a consistent path. You will have setbacks and missteps.… READ MORE

When it comes to you and your disability insurance, words matter. Specifically the policy language that defines your occupation. How this part of the policy is worded can make the difference between the insurance company paying you during a disability, or leaving you high and dry on a technicality.… READ MORE

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