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Show highlights include:

Want to lose weight? Here’s the easy way to do it in 24 hours or less (3:06)
How a juice fast makes you more creative and productive (3:45) 
2 delicious juice recipes that will make your next 24 hour juice fast a breeze (7:13) 
The “Journal Secret” that unlocks several a-ha moments that’s particularly powerful during a juice fast (10:52) 

If you’d like a deeper dive into how to get the most impact from your juice fast, grab my free PDF book at http://24HourJuiceFast.comREAD MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

How social media subconsciously poisons your mind and steals your happiness (2:18)
The “Arms Length Approach” for tackling your biggest goals (without becoming overwhelmed, burnt out, or insane) (8:27)
How to transform a terrible day into a wonderful adventure by simply snapping your fingers (9:07)
The “CCDx3 Method” that stops your negative thoughts from tormenting you (12:18)
Why having typos in your book helps you land lucrative keynote speaker gigs (16:11)
How talking to yourself in traffic clears your “head trash” and instantly gets you out of a funk (25:03)
The weird way your speedometer can be your greatest source of joy (26:19)

You can grab a copy of Stacie’s best-selling book on Amazon, Positive Shift Ahead!… READ MORE

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

The 2-second mindset shift that immediately transforms negativity into positivity (even on your worst days) (5:37) 
How riding your bike can help children with cancer (and how to apply this to anything you do) (6:09) 
Why letting go of control is the first step towards living a more positive life (7:58) 
The selfish reason for helping others that makes it 100x easier (13:15)

Highlights from this episode include:

The 3 pillars of a successful retirement plan that let you retire 10 years earlier (without worrying that you’ll run out of money) (2:12) 
Why you need short-term, long-term, and intermediate positions in your retirement portfolio if you don’t want to worry about running out of money (3:57) 
How to tweak the stocks in your portfolio so all your money doesn’t burn up during a crisis (4:20) 
The “Brokerage Link” secret that transforms a sucky 401k into a way to make you rich throughout retirement (11:23)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?READ MORE

Context is everything — and this is particularly true with your unique mental health characteristics. The problem is mental health “experts” prescribe one solution for every person. And this blinds you from seeing your mental quirks as a gift. READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why a 30-year mortgage will suffocate your cash flow and cause endless headaches (even if it seems profitable) (6:57) 
The insidious way lead wipes out all your profits and forces you to sell the properties at a loss (9:14) 
How to do a lead clearance test on all your rental properties without bankrupting your business (9:55) 
A creative way around the backwards lead clearance rule in Cleveland (12:25) 
How to scoop up houses that have been cited for lead violations for a 70% discount (and the easy way to fix them) (14:29) 


In this episode, you’ll discover…

Every Fortune 500 CEO has this skill in common (3:10)
Why hiring a coach when your business is booming prevents it from crashing and burning (even if it seems like it will never go belly up) (9:14)
The “jack-of-all-trades mindset” that poisons both your home life and your business’s success (13:13)
How one bad hire can unravel 10 years of hard work in 18 months or less (28:57)
The “Restored Rule” that powers you through your most humiliating failures (without tossing and turning every night because of your mistakes) (30:01)
Why crossfit recalibrates your psyche and helps you win at home and in business (31:02)
How moving to a new city gets you out of a funk you didn’t even realize you were in (34:46)

Whether you need help moving to Austin or just would like business advice from someone you can trust, check out Wade’s website at https://squarecowmovers.com/, send him an email at wlombard@squarecowmovers.com, or find his LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wade-lombard-5309b142/
Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home?… READ MORE

Is it possible to run a thriving business and maintain healthy relationships with your family at the same time? Absolutely! But understanding how to balance the demands of both can be a challenge.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!READ MORE

Most people end up ditching the world of Corporate America just to build their own 9-5 instead. They end up stressed, miserable, and overworked, like their last job. 
Loosen the grip on your business’s stage five clinger grip and learn how to profit without sacrificing plans.READ MORE

A construction business involves risk. Building on speculation, working with the wrong clients, and other traps that builders may fall into. Making the wrong decision can send you spiraling into debt, lead to fatigue, or put you out of business.READ MORE

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