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“I appreciate your time but I don’t think we’re gonna work out”.
Most coaches or consultants have been rejected more times than they can count. Missing out on a 4-figure contract sucks, but it’s a fact of life…
That is, unless you have the RFU method!… READ MORE

Many financial advisors spend weeks on marketing strategies that never get them a single client. 
Meanwhile, a few advisors magnetize dream clients without spending all day creating content. 
That’s because they accept a few harsh truths about marketing.READ MORE

Every entrepreneur dreams of making their first million. It’s just a number, but it’s the first milestone that shows that you’ve “made it”. 
But if you search around, the internet’s full of conflicting advice on how to get there. READ MORE

Fear and anxiety around investing can wreck your portfolio and sabotage your golden years before they even begin. 
Either your fear causes you to take uncalculated and unnecessary risks. Or it makes you as conservative as sticking your money in a savings account. READ MORE

The world would still be stuck in the stone ages if it weren’t for geniuses. 
Because geniuses have the uncanny ability to see possibilities that don’t currently exist. Geniuses ignore any shortcomings they have, and stick to their mission no matter what life throws at them. READ MORE

The self-help industry is a multi-billion dollar industry which feeds off your insecurities like a poisonous leech. 
And while they promise to boost your confidence, attractiveness, and happiness, it actually does the exact opposite.READ MORE

Many entrepreneurs fail at reaching their full potential. Because they lack the drive to follow through.
But when you create and implement systems and procedures that lead you through mundane or difficult times, it’s liberating.… READ MORE

It’s hard picking profitable NFTs and avoiding ones that go to zero. It’s even harder to build your own NFTs and sell them. And it’s almost impossible to build a successful NFT project when the market’s down.… READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why being an eternal optimist gets you through tough market times (2:34)
How having a winning mindset lets you pick the right stocks (3:37)
The “Acceptable Loser Method” that puts you in winning financial positions (6:58)
Why complaining ruins your portfolio (and how you can change that today) (8:47)
How making negative decisions derails your bank account (10:27)
Why thinking “I’ll do better next time” hurts your nest egg (12:38)

Ready to stop doing what you hate?… READ MORE

How to find meaning in adversity when you feel like you don’t get what you deserve (1:34)
The Proverbs 3:5,6 rule for trusting God with your full heart (even if you don’t understand where He guides you) (2:09)
Why your life is like a mystery movie where knowing the script defeats the purpose and ruins the story (3:35)
Why “listening to your heart” is the worst thing you could do (even if you’re an emotional person) (5:25)

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us. READ MORE

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