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The right funnel software plays a significant role in how many sales you make and how much revenue you generate.
So if you’re wondering why you’re not making enough sales despite having the perfect ads and copy, it could be because of your funnel software.… READ MORE

Whether it’s athletes, entrepreneurs or artists: We admire people who excel at their craft. Excellence is awe-inspiring and makes us wish we were at the same level.
But excellence isn’t reserved for those with extraordinary talent.… READ MORE

Most leaders ask “qu-gestions” without even knowing it. “Qu-gestions” are suggestions sneakily disguised with a question mark at the end.
This sabotages their relationship with their employees, leading to poor teamwork, diminished results, and lower levels of morale.… READ MORE

Everyone has secrets.
Most of them for a good reason.
But, it’ is not the same with addictions. Keeping secrets may be exactly what holds you back on your way to recovery.
It’s difficult to open up about your weaknesses, regardless of how close you may be with the other person.… READ MORE

Real estate investors struggle for various reasons.  The main reason amongst them is their lack of focus.
Jumping from one strategy to another is costly and time consuming.  This leads to minimal profits and overwhelm.… READ MORE

95% of Americans buy into the myth that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill.
Sorry to break it to you, but that’s complete bull.
They mistakenly think all you need is hard work, grit, determination, and “hustle” in order to achieve a breakthrough.… READ MORE

Healthcare may be the most dreaded topic in regards to retirement.
Since the traditional healthcare system seems so complicated, most people lose track of how it works, and make decisions that make a healthy retirement impossible.… READ MORE

“Be greedy when others are fearful.”
If you’ve been investing for some time, you probably know who said that quote. And it’s true now more than ever.
Especially in this recession, where the smart ones know that investing now will lead to bigger gains in the long term.… READ MORE

Whatever you’re going through today, hundreds, if not thousands, of other people are going through something similar.
And if you find a solution to such a problem, thousands of others may solve theirs as well, which could lead to the start of a new profitable adventure for you, just like Cory, Founder of Booze Bandage.… READ MORE

Happy New Year to you!
As I reflect on my years as an entrepreneur, I see that a lot of things have changed in the past 13 years. I’ve changed. My family has changed. My needs have changed. My dreams have even changed.… READ MORE

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