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We all experience difficult seasons in our lives.
It could be losing your job through downsizing, or significant health issues in your family or even a child leaving for college (sniff).
These hard experiences are just a part of life, and they won’t stop coming our way even when we want them to.… READ MORE

A business partnership can either unlock the biggest boom for your business and wealth… Or become a soul-sucking monster that sabotages your business, family, and livelihood.
In fact, when we started our business, we almost crippled our entire livelihood.… READ MORE

Getting your business to 7 figures is straightforward when you rely on these 3 essentials…
They are:
Think of them like the legs of a stool – remove one, and growing your business becomes tough.… READ MORE

The way you think about ourselves affects your actions every day…
For example: If you believe you’re a healthy person, you’re more likely to eat good food, skip fast food, and exercise regularly. But the opposite is true: If you think you’re fat, you’re going to do things that make you stay that way, no matter what diet or program you try.… READ MORE

The idea of buying a list seduces many financial advisors. In the past week alone, 9 financial advisors told me they were buying leads.
And I get it: Outsourcing your lead generation to a third-party company is appealing.… READ MORE

Using the internet to grow your business is now pretty normal. It wasn’t always like this.
But even though you can make your business bigger with the internet, most people still don’t know how. That’s why you might spend a lot of money on ads and not get much back.… READ MORE

Technology killed handwritten letters like TV killed the radio star. This is unfortunate because handwritten letters convey what technology cannot.
In particular, letters show gratitude, love, personality, and presence which technology will never be able to match.… READ MORE

The FAA just released a new standard for pilots with a history of ADHD.
Guess what? It’s still as complicated as the previous one.
Most pilots try to navigate these complicated forms by themselves.
The risk of doing this?… READ MORE

Did you see the latest Jonah Hill controversy with his ex-girlfriend?
She shared their text exchange on Instagram, and while they both brought up some good therapeutic points, each of them handled the situation in a poor manner for varying reasons.… READ MORE

It’s important to know that the Infinite Banking Concept is just that: A concept.
It’s not something that you can buy at an insurance company. Instead, it is a process that teaches you how to take over the banking function in your life.… READ MORE

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